De la sorcellerie aux tours de cartes (Stephen Minch)
Stephen MINCH retrace l'histoire de la magie de table dans ce petit livre, en s'appuyant sur des oeuvres unanimement considérées comme étant les textes essentiellement relatifs à ce sujet.
Stephen MINCH retrace l'histoire de la magie de table dans ce petit livre, en s'appuyant sur des oeuvres unanimement considérées comme étant les textes essentiellement relatifs à ce sujet.
I remember throughout all the years grabbing decks to practice with until my hands were cramped and bloody.I remember thinking I have to work harder... Presenting...Dead Hands Playing Cards
Looking for a deck that produces beautiful fans? Or great for cardistry? You've found it!
Playing cards truly unlike anything you've seen before! The first edition sold out in record time. The latest edition is now available.While the deck remains the same as the first edition, the box was redesigned to perfectly showcase Homer's original artistic vision. In fact, the new distressed metallic box resembles the original box after being worn down over several weeks in a jacket pocket - we just wanted to save you the time.
In this new version of Deck Stab, you'll be able to do this trick anywhere, anytime and in any situation. This new version includes a lot of new ideas and manipulations with all the gimmicks included.
Promotional deck for DeckStarter, an amazing new platform that will allow designers to create their own playing cards.
This is the most practical moving ink effect ever created. After the spectator has chosen a card you write down a random code, a sequence of dots, dashes or some sort of binary code onto the border of a playing card. With a simple flick or shake that code instantly morphs into the chosen card. The card is then examined by your spectator and can be kept as a souvenir.
Designed by the italian designer Giovanni Meroni. Dedalo’s theme is the Labyrinth. Inspired by greek mythology, it tells the story of Ariadne, Theseus, Minotaur, Minos and, of course, Dedalo.
The DeLand Centennial project brings two amazing decks of marked playing cards back to life. Originally printed in 1919, the Daisy Deck and Nifty Deck were created by Theodore DeLand. In honor of their 100th anniversary, we have recreated these ingenious decks from the ground up. These are not simply reprints - each deck has been painstakingly redrawn and enhanced with new art and new features.
As Dai Vernon fooled Houdini, this Ambitious Card Routine will fool all your friends. No exception. Delicious Ambitious is an extraordinarily strong effect using our Science Friction Spray - the revolutionary nano fluid for playing cards.
Pourquoi pas croquer la carte que vous venez de retrouver ? Même si elle est signée d’ailleurs! De toute façon vous allez la reconstituer pour la rendre au spectateur.
Delirium Insomnia is one of the Lost Decks of the Delirium Series. It was announced in 2014, but redesigned and printed in 2018.
Pure Imagination Projects introduces the Deluxe Edition Livingstone Playing Cards.
Lone Star Playing Cards takes us back to the times of the wild, wild West. Beautifully illustrated by Jonathan Schubert of Schubert Studios.
Voici une version précieuse, collector, du fameux tour que nous avons tous eu lorsque nous étions enfants : le Die Vision. Un joli cadeau qui ne laissera pas indifférent un magicien. En plus c'est la version avec les symboles ESP, ce qui peut conclure l'une de vos routines ESP
IMAGINE... forcefully pulling your fingernail off your finger... SHOWING it to your spectator, HAVING them touch it...then INSTANTLY heal.
IMAGINE... forcefully pulling your fingernail off your finger... SHOWING it to your spectator, HAVING them touch it...then INSTANTLY heal.
Comme son titre l’indique, ce recueil décrit et explique dix tours originaux (et pour la plupart inédits) qui mettent en œuvre cartes et dés opérant de conserve. Qu’il s’agisse de routines d’as, de découvertes de cartes choisies, d’épellations, de transpositions, etc., seuls les points amenés de manière totalement aléatoire par les dés lancés par les spectateurs décident du déroulement et de l’issue des événements.
Influencé par l’école américaine, traducteur de nombreux ouvrages de magie occidentale en langue japonaise, le regretté Shigeo Takagi est réputé pour sa magie moderne, épurée et soigneusement réfléchie.
This professional-quality stainless steel tuck boxe will increase the durability and longevity of your cards, while giving them a stylish and cool look too! It can also be used to make a prediction.
It's a rare thing when an effect comes out that accomplishes something that has never been seen before. It's even rarer that the effect uses a method that is so practical you will be performing it all the time.
The vivid deck is crafted for Cardistry and Card enthusiasts.
This deck is the second installment to a playing card project created by Artedame Dutch Design Studio in collaboration with Bocopo Playing Cards Company and several cardists and magicians.
The magician holds up a black die and places it in a transparent container. Suddenly, the die explodes into eight colorful dice.
The magician holds up a black die and places it in a transparent container. Suddenly, the die explodes into eight colorful dice.