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(Shin Lim)

Hey guys, Shin here! I am so happy to introduce my new Limited Edition deck of custom playing cards, NOC x Shin Lim. These playing cards have made many appearances in my magic routines on T.V. and is the perfect fit for the magic moments I strive to create.

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The more we depend on technology, the less magical the world seems, until the day when all magic is gone. The game is now in your hands. #NOC3000X3 Limited to 3000 numbered games.

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We are big fans of the sophistication and quality of the NOC playing card line -- so it was a natural fit to partner with the House of Playing Cards and The Expert Playing Card Company to bring you the Murphy's Magic Signature NOC deck.

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A limited edition deck! It's the result of the ideas of the whole community! This is the sixth in the MYNOC project series, so it has a unique black and pink design!

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The MYNOC project was officially launched in 2019 during the live at Cardistry Con. The idea? It was to create your own NOC game using our MYNOC sticker campaign. Using these stickers, hundreds of you submitted photos under the hashtag #mynoc - and today, we're proud to announce the release of our NINTH game in the series.

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The MYNOC project was officially launched in 2019 during the live at Cardistry Con. The idea? It was to create your own NOC game using our MYNOC sticker campaign. Using these stickers, hundreds of you submitted photos under the hashtag #mynoc - and today, we're proud to announce the release of our SEVENTH game in the series.

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Aim for NOC gaming excellence with the NOC V2 Deluxe Collection, now available in three new colors - Red, Green and Blue. These new editions are sure to catch your eye and you'll want to make them part of your collection!

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Aim for NOC gaming excellence with the NOC V2 Deluxe Collection, now available in three new colors - Red, Green and Blue. These new editions are sure to catch your eye and you'll want to make them part of your collection!

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Aim for NOC gaming excellence with the NOC V2 Deluxe Collection, now available in three new colors - Red, Green and Blue. These new editions are sure to catch your eye and you'll want to make them part of your collection!

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NOC's Beach Bar is a beach inspired deck that is looking to bring some summer vibes into your home. Palm trees, beach, coconuts and cocktails - all the best things about summer encompassed in one deck of playing cards. Limited print run - These will NOT be reprinted.

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Bold, simple, and elegant. Perfect for any application - Now with Thinner Borders! Simplicity and elegance defined the original NOC deck. Now we have made it even better.

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Magic's trick in restocking
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NOC's Diner is the utopian place where the old and the new mix together and create the perfect milkshake deck. So take a sip from your milkshake while you fan your pastel milkshake deck. Limited print run - These will NOT be reprinted.

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This is a very limited release of a NOC deck designed by House of Playing Cards for Magic8 Company out of China for their 15th Year Anniversary.

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Secretly marked for suit, and Now Printed by USPCC ! Since 2012, simplicity and elegance have defined the NOC series. With each edition, we strive to make it better and better.

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Here are finally the Noc Out Black, long kept secret, these cards have an unbeatable and unique style! Entirely white with a thin black, minimalist rectangle. With this game, no one will be able to understand how you can read minds. You'll even bluff the magicians....

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Voici enfin les Noc Out White, longtemps gardées secrètes, ces cartes ont un style inégalable et unique ! Entièrement blanc avec un fin rectangle noir, minimaliste. Avec ce jeu, nul ne pourra comprendre comment vous pouvez lire dans les pensées. Vous blufferez même les magiciens...

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The NOC Out GREEN and Gold Edition is a LIMITED deck reserved for only a select few...until now. This deck features everything you know and love about the NOC Out Series with a beautiful GREEN and GOLD to display the most elegant back deck of cards we have ever seen. LIMITED EDITION

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NOC Out represents the ultimate achievement in minimal yet elegant design. No matter the occasion, this deck is the answer.

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A game that is scored for different colors! Teaming up with the USPCC, the NOC Sport version is the best yet!

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