Swap wallet (Big)
This is a very versatile piece of magic equipment. It can be used to vanish, produce or exchange any item that it can hold.
This is a very versatile piece of magic equipment. It can be used to vanish, produce or exchange any item that it can hold.
"Sweet n' salty" is an amazing new utility gimmick. You can make salt disappear and reproduce it from an empty bag. You can mix salt and pepper and then magically separate them. You can do the "Lotta" effect with any salt or sweetener bag. You can produce salt and sweetener from different objects: a pen's cap, an empty salt shaker, a kid's ear, nose and even his hair! You can always carry this specially made gimmick in your pocket, in a safe way and be ready to amaze!
The magician shows a fabric bag visibly empty. He shows a 2 Euro coin to the audience and puts it inside the bag. In an instant, and without coverings, the coin has changed into a big 2 Euro coin!
SWITCH CUP the revolutionary, invisible changing tool, which will allow you to perform a wide variety of effects and routines!
A devastating split second, invisible switch. Switch cards right before your spectator's eyes. 20 years ago, a ground breaking switch hit the magic world that left magicians rubbing their eyes in disbelief. Over the last year Chris Payne, Ian Fraser and Mark Mason have totally redesigned this device to bring you the all new SWITCH-A-TWO.
The gimmick built into this box enables you to perform an instantaneous transposition so impossible it will cause audiences to question their own eyes. This close-up effect creates the same visual surprise as a large-scale stage illusion!
Mr. Tango has worked for years to examine the best attributes of past reels and combine those with brand new ideas and technology to bring you one of the best reels ever created to the magic market.
A spectator secretly chooses one of the numbers on a dice and then puts it into two boxes. Every times, you find the good number.
A spectator secretly chooses one of the numbers on a dice and then puts it into two boxes. Every times, you find the good number.
Montrez à vos spectateurs une mini mallette, ouvrez-la et sortez en un support de balle de golf. Refermez la mallette maintenant vide puis réouvrez-la pour en sortir une balle de golf.
If you can only perform the magic tricks with one type of object; what that object could be ? From the mind of Calvin Liew; we are proud to present you The Art of Rubber Band.
L'Effet Papillon donne l'illusion qu'une force mystérieuse voyage dans l'espace depuis la main du magicien jusque dans celle du spectateur. Une carte se retourne seule dans la main du spectateur, puis se met à tourner sur elle-même. L'effet le plus recherché parmi les idées de Bruno !
The Chinese Charming Challenge got reinvented. Again, by the crazy mind of Spanish FISM Award Winner Mario Lopez Let Mario fool you with his take on the Chinese Charming Challenge. And then get yours to fool your spectators as well. A magical masterpiece, get yours now!
Les succès de Choice, Switch Cup ou Letters n'arrêtent pas Jérôme Sauloup, bien au contraire ! Ce magicien français talentueux revient avec une nouvelle idée : faire apparaître ce que vous voulez tout en faisant disparaître.... un camembert !
The 100% Examinable Torn & Restored Newspaper! EXPERTS BAFFLED BY NEWSPAPER TEAR THAT'S 100% EXAMINABLE!
Some cards are shown: three are blank and one has the drawing of an egg. This card is turned on its back on the table, and the others are placed under. The magician gives a tap on the egg that magically appears under the table. The card above, however, is turned and has become blank.
With The Final Piece, a viewer will be able to choose at random, the missing piece of a puzzle.
Magic takes flight with The Fly Lite: the fly that finds THE card chosen by your spectators!
The Game is a complete treatise on The Three Shell Game. It comes with all you need to learn and perform this great guessing game. You'll be taught maneuvers designed to fool your audience, step by step.
The Gecko Pro System (GPS) combines the ORIGINAL GECKO SYSTEM with the GECKO EXTREME SYSTEM! GPS allows you to safely vanish, switch or transform almost ANY borrowed item VISUALLY AND SILENTLY!! It is an easy-to-use, light-weight and unobtrusive magic device that you will carry with you at all times.
A coin vanishes as it has been wrapped by a black hole. Where can it be? Automatic trick. Can be performed with any coin!
The Gift is a self-contained, precision-crafted device that makes the effect easy to perform. It doesn't use any indexes or loads, and resets in seconds. Open the box, set up the device, and you'll be performing within minutes.
The Houdidni disk is a very visual escape : a red disk is placed in a little box between two green disks is going to escape from it and fall out on the hand of the spectator ! Exactly like Houdini used to do, also the red Houdini disc has made the impossible possible.
The Intercessor is a unique gimmick that makes miracles possible. Created by the inventive Gaetan Bloom and used in his professional shows for many years, it enables you to do most baffling versions of the classic card in orange.