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Recharge de 72 caps pour les gadgets à explosion tel que le pistolet ou le stylo à explosion …

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
1.5 €1

This is an universal wheel of lighter. After adaptation, you can use it with all sorts of devices : hand-flasher, flaming book, etc...Sale prohibited to the minors.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
This magic's trick sold in a set : Standard Wheel of Lighter
No difficulty for this magic's trick

This is an universal wheel of lighter. After adaptation, you can use it with all sorts of devices : hand-flasher, flaming book, etc...Sale prohibited to the minors.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

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