Anti Gravity Ball
This is a classic magic puzzle that drives everyone mad. Easy to do, he does not require preparation and everything can be given out for examination. You will always take it with you !
This is a classic magic puzzle that drives everyone mad. Easy to do, he does not require preparation and everything can be given out for examination. You will always take it with you !
This is a classic magic puzzle that drives everyone mad. Easy to do, he does not require preparation and everything can be given out for examination. You will always take it with you !
Show the audience a small box with two balls inside. Next hand the box out to a spectator challenging him, in ten seconds, to manage to put one of the balls on the right side, and the other on the left side. He will never manage, and you will have won the bet.
Dive into an exhilarating adventure designed just for you! Box One is a captivating puzzle game that will test your logic and creativity. Will you be able to crack the mysteries hidden within? Get ready for an unmatched brain challenge!
Lorsque le magicien attache ce casse-tête diabolique à votre boutonnière de veste, vous deviendrez fou car il vous sera impossible d’hotter celui-ci sans recourir à la violence et le casser en mille morceaux…
Cette routine est très originale car elle consiste à résoudre un casse-tête d’une manière très magique…
Ce porte-clefs casse-tête vous suivra partout et fera sans doute tourner la tête de vos convives !
Here's an excellent optical illusion, a curiosity that will appeal to young and old alike... Very easy and fun to present. A must-have in your briefcase.
Magician shows four sets of beads. He advises to make a pyramid by the beads. It's very attractive close-up game. You can show it any time anywhere.
This is an amazing magic paper sheet with a cat on it. By touching the cat on the paper, the catty will turn into a short one or turn into a tall one as you like!
This is an amazing magic paper sheet with a dog on it. By touching the cat on the paper, the catty will turn into a short one or turn into a tall one as you like!
This is an amazing magic paper sheet with Santa Clauss on it. By touching Santa on the paper, the catty will turn into a short one or turn into a tall one as you like!
Deux mystérieuses pièces en plastiques allongées sont imbriquées l'une dans l'autre... Elles forment une croix. Saurez-vous les séparer et donc défaire la croix ? Un mouvement très original vous permettra de les séparer et vous-seul connaitrez les secret !
This tiny, affordable toy is designed to sit inside a used plastic drink bottle. If you fill the bottle almost to the brim then close the cap tightly, you can control the mysterious creature inside using only the power of water pressure.
A magical puzzle that's fun, entertaining and automatic! Always have it in your pocket!
Long unavailable, this coat pencil style magic wand is the perfect prop to break the ice when going for that job interview, or just fun with the kids.
It's enough to make your audience tear their hair out. With subtly crafted ease, you remove the ring from the spring! Of course, only you have the power to do this.
Your audience will become crazy : you pull easily a ring out of the spring.Of course, only you can do this !
Vous-seul arriverez à enclaver et désenclaver deux énormes clous tordus, et ce en deux secondes. Vous passerez pour une personne étrange qui est capable de déformer les matériaux par la force de la pensée.
With a magical gesture, amaze your audience by making the card they've chosen disappear! An instructional video comes with this low price trick that's sure to impress!
SpRING est un casse-tête oubliée depuis longtemps qui a été retravaillée dans l'une des intrigues les plus classiques et les plus emblématiques de la magie - les "linking rings".
The magician displays a ring on a spring about 3" long which is closed in at the ends. A spectator is invited to try and get the ring off the spring, but can not do so. The magician simply blows on the spring and shakes it, and the ring falls off the spring.
Voici un casse-tête original que vous pourrez réaliser avec vos amis ! En effet, vous allez accrocher un stylo à la veste de votre spectateur, ce dernier ne pourra pas défaire le dispositif.
Borrow spectator's object, and place it in the Treasure box. When member's of the audience are asked to open and retake the object, no one but the magician is able !
Borrow spectator's object, and place it in the Treasure box. When member's of the audience are asked to open and retake the object, no one but the magician is able !