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Aquatica Playing Cards

Aquatica Playing Cards
Aquatica Playing Cards
Aquatica Playing Cards
Aquatica Playing Cards
Aquatica Playing Cards
Aquatica Playing Cards


The Aquatica playing cards make up a fine deck, created by magician James Anthony and designed by James Howells. True to its name which was inspired by flowing waters, the Aquatica playing cards are great for handling and allows for a smooth transition between fingertips.

These cards are classic in every respect, filled with images of mythical creatures from under the sea. From mermaids (and mermen) to underwater pearls forming the border of the cards’ backing, the cards are stunning and filled with detail that makes them unique and an instant favorite. Perfect for any player or cardist, Aquatica is perfect for everyone’s collection.

Main Features:

  • 52 cards
  • High quality
  • Air-cushion finish

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