The magician takes from a deck the 4 kings and leaves them in full view, now a spectator is invited to freely choose a card and sign it.
The signed card is placed face down between the 2 red kings, while the 2 black kings are momentarily put aside.
The magician picks up the 2 kings with the spectator’s card in the middle and with a simple magic gesture, the spectatort’s card instantly disappears only to be found between the 2 black kings previously set aside. All is performed magically visibly without any suspicious move!
Super easy and super visual!
• The gimmick you will receive can not be chosen, and will be with a court card.
• In addition to the gimmick, you will also receive the video instructions download (they are not spoken).
• To perform the effect you will need a normal red back poker size Bicycle deck (not included).