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Videos magie

Crystal Coin Case

Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case
Crystal Coin Case


You borrow a coin (for instance 1 €) and you ask a spectator to sign it.

You place it between two plexiglas plates bordered by 4 rubber bands.

You give the whole material to a spectator for examination. He will confirm that the coin is trapped.

Then you put the whole material under a napkin.

Suddenly the coin vanished. The plates are given to the audience : the coin is no longer between them.

You can fin it anywhere you want.

An automatic and very inventive pocket trick.

Delivered completed.

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Difficulty of level 1 for this magic's trick
Pdf instructions in French Pdf instructions in English Pdf instructions in Italian
 Video instructions in French  Video instructions in English
7 Pts

Nous vous conseillons avec ce produit :

1. silk 12''

2. Coin Nested Box

4. Jiffy Coin Trick

5. Chinese Boxes Set