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Coin Thru Glass

Coin Thru Glass
Coin Thru Glass
Coin Thru Glass


Here's a classic magic trick with a modern twist!

Place a glass, opening downwards, on top of a coaster.

Then you pass a coin through the bottom of the glass.

The coin mysteriously enters the glass!

Everything can be examined: the coin, the glass and even the coaster.

Indeed, the public won't find the slightest crack, trapdoor, hiding place, etc.!


  • Easy to make: the gimmick does most of the work for you
  • Highly visual effect
  • Several presentation possibilities
  • Can be done surrounded
  • Glass and coins are not faked
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Difficulty of level 2 for this magic's trick
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 Video instructions in French  Video instructions in English
7.5 €3.75 Profit 50 %