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Green Karnival Assassins deck

Green Karnival Assassins deck


The top selling Karnival Deck of cards ever - the ASSASSINS - is re-released in a brand new colour. A dark, dusky and vibrant green. As with the original Karnival Assassins you get a new Karnvial styled back design, Ace Of Spades, Jokers and Tuckcase. This incredible new limited edition design for the Bicycle Deck was created by renowned French artist Sam Hayles. • Can be integrated with standard bicycle decks and other Karnival Decks for creating super cool routines! • The Karnival Assassins Deck uses a thick, high grade stock and is a dream to handle. These cards are simply GLORIOUS! • An amazing (and super subtle) one way back design. You can spot reversed cards even in a tight face down ribbon spread
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28.5 €17 Profit 40 %