The magician shows the audience a doll and immediately after he lays it on his palm. At this point, with a magic gesture the doll comes to life and stands up from the hand of the magician.
The audience will love it!
The doll measures cm 5 (l) x 6,5 (h) x 0,5 (p) about (in. 2 x 2,55 x 0,20).
There are no strings, magnets or pins, if you want you can give it out for examination.
The audience will love it!
The doll measures cm 5 (l) x 6,5 (h) x 0,5 (p) about (in. 2 x 2,55 x 0,20).
There are no strings, magnets or pins, if you want you can give it out for examination.