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Videos magie

Deluxe Crystal Cleaver

Deluxe Crystal Cleaver
Deluxe Crystal Cleaver
Deluxe Crystal Cleaver
Deluxe Crystal Cleaver


A ring, which can be borrowed, is placed inside a transparent crystal casket. Once the lid is closed, the magician covers the casket with an empty tube. Then, using a magical cleaver, they pierce through the tube and casket, miraculously passing through the ring! When the tube is removed, the impossible becomes reality: the sword is now threaded through the ring inside the locked casket.

Crystal Cleaver is one of Tenyo’s most ingenious and beloved tricks, a true magic classic that continues to amaze audiences worldwide.


  • The ring can be borrowed for an even stronger effect.
  • Everything can be examined after the illusion.
  • Easy to perform but visually stunning.
  • Includes: necessary props + online instructional video.
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Difficulty of level 3 for this magic's trick
 Music video instructions