Embark on a magical journey with the BONFIRE PASTEBOARDS, the world’s first Any-Order Animated Deck, created by master magician Adam Wilber and the brilliant minds at VULPINE CREATIONS. This deck honors the classic Red Backed Bicycle designs while introducing groundbreaking animation technology. Every shuffle, riffle, and cascade brings mesmerizing animation to life, regardless of the order. With carefully placed animation points, both performers and spectators are treated to a visual spectacle that truly captivates.
- Enchanting Animation: Revolutionary Any-Order Animated Deck technology that creates a captivating show from every shuffle.
- Premium Quality: Produced by The United States Playing Card Company for smooth handling, snap, and unrivaled durability.
- Subtle Artistic Details: Optical illusion barcode reveals and intricate artwork creating hidden surprises.
- A Modern Twist on Classic Design: The iconic Bicycle court cards enhanced with fresh designs for jokers and aces.
- Built for Durability: Engineered for everyday use, maintaining a luxurious feel for magic and cardistry enthusiasts alike.