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Videos magie

Professor's Nightmare Trick (Sold by 48)

Professor's Nightmare Trick (Sold by 48)
Professor's Nightmare Trick (Sold by 48)
Professor's Nightmare Trick (Sold by 48)
Professor's Nightmare Trick (Sold by 48)


The magicians shows three different sized ropes. Then he stretches them to equal length. After showing them to the audience, he returns the ropes to the original lengths.

Then, ropes can be given for examination.


  • Easy to make
  • Highly visual
  • An accompanying text for all audiences is integrated into the instructions and the explanatory video
  • Price for 48 Teleportation Euros, or €2,05 each
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No Difficulty for this magic's trick
Pdf instructions in French Pdf instructions in Spanish Pdf instructions in English
 Video instructions in French
98.5 €58.5 Profit 41 %