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Videos magie

Dice bomb Color (Sold by 12)

Dice bomb Color (Sold by 12)
Dice bomb Color (Sold by 12)
Dice bomb Color (Sold by 12)


The magician holds up a black die and places it in a transparent container. Suddenly, the die explodes, transforming into eight small coloured dice.

A highly visual trick, ideal for youngsters new to magic. This trick will surprise many.


  •     Easy and powerful.
  •     The dice can also be transformed into balls, sugar cubes, etc.
  •     Price for 12 Dice bomb Color, €4.96 each


  •     Container: 7 cm high, 4.5 cm in diameter
  •     Large dice: 2 cm square
  •     Mini dice: 0.8 cm square
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Difficulty of level 2 for this magic's trick
Pdf instructions in French
 Video instructions in French