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Magic snapper (Sold by 12)

Magic snapper (Sold by 12)
Magic snapper (Sold by 12)
Magic snapper (Sold by 12)


In between magic tricks, why not propose this magical puzzle to your spectators?

Present a hollow plastic stick with a rubber band running through it. The aim of the game is to hook the hooked rod to the rubber band inside...

Give the whole thing to your spectators - after all their efforts, of course, they won't be able to do it...

You get the whole thing back, and very easily demonstrate how simple it is to do!


  • A magical, entertaining and automatic puzzle!
  • Will satisfy your most curious spectators
  • Very easy to use and always ready
  • Always in your pocket!
  • Price for 12 Magic Snappers: €1.79 each
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No Difficulty for this magic's trick
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 Video instructions in English
21.5 €10.75 Profit 50 %