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Tarot Romero Assis Percales

Tarot Romero Assis Percales
Tarot Romero Assis Percales
Tarot Romero Assis Percales
Tarot Romero Assis Percales
Tarot Romero Assis Percales


The Tarot Romero de Asis Percales is a colourful, fresh and sometimes grotesque tarot. In this tarot, characters, creatures and elements of various kinds are intertwined, taking their cue from the aesthetics of tattooing, the circus, religious iconography and popular culture.


  • 78 cards including 22 major arcanas and 56 minor arcanas
  • Printed on 330-g paper
  • Coated with highly durable water-based varnish
  • High-quality polychrome tuck case
  • Instruction booklet
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