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Videos magie

Passe Passe Die

Passe Passe Die


The magician puts a large die inside a top hat. He then pushes his hand through two square tubes, proving them to be completely empty. The die is then taken from the hat, placed onto the table, and covered with tube n°1. After a moment, this tube is lifted and the die is seen to have disappeared leaving it empty. After putting down tube n°1, tube n°2 is lifted only to show that the die has appeared under it. Tube n° 2 is then put over the die again, but when it is lifted, the die has again disappeared, and the tube shown to be empty. The die has mysteriously jumped under tube n°1 again. To finish the die disappears once more and magically ends up inside the top hat!

• The tubes measure 9,5 cm each side, and are 18,2 cm tall.

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