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Bubble Gum Playing Cards

Bubble Gum Playing Cards
Bubble Gum Playing Cards
Bubble Gum Playing Cards
Bubble Gum Playing Cards
Bubble Gum Playing Cards
Bubble Gum Playing Cards
Bubble Gum Playing Cards


Bubble Gum Playing Cards - a deck of cards reminiscent of your favorite childhood bubble gum. This deck was designed with magicians, cardists, and card players in mind: featuring a traditional cut and magical gaff cards for magicians, and eye-catching colors that look beautiful in motion for cardists. Also perfect for the game players who want a fun, non-traditional deck to use. The cards themselves have been recolored to reflect the blue/pink colors on the back, and small additions have been made to the court cards to incorporate the bubble gum theme - see if you can spot them all. Features

  • Printed at USPCC on premium (Bee) stock
  • Limited run of 1111 decks
  • Traditionally cut
  • Double backer
  • Joker with a reveal
  • Recolored faces
  • Court cards modified to include a gum element
  • Duplicate 5 of hearts with the wrapper missing on the back design

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15 €11.25 Profit 25 %