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Reel Magic Episode 30 (David Stone)

Reel Magic Episode 30 - david stone


Feature Interview - David Stone:

David Stone talks to Kozmo about being influenced by the film "Rocky" and doing the impossible.


NEW! Jon Armstrong - The Kaufman Sessions pt. 1

Part 1 of the Session with card master Richard Kaufman.

NEW! Social Media School

Rachel Armstrong and Tiffany Hindman tell you how to make your social media work for you!

NEW! Kainoa Hardbottle - Coin U!

Kainoa teaches 3 versions of the retention vanish.

Silly Billy - Kid Show FUNdamentals!

Part 1 of his detailed examination of the coloring book routine.

Bill Wisch - On Slydini

Bill teaches Slydini's take on the Hindu Shuffle

Simon Lovell - Ask Simey!

Simon answers your question "why do we need brick & mortar magic shops?"


David Regal - Tricks of the Trade

David reviews the half-rejected, well-respected, resurrected and the well-protected.


Dan Harlan "Value"

From "The Trade Show" - by L&L Publishing

Richard Osterlind "Bank Night"

from "Stand-Up Magic" Vol. 1 - by L&L Publishing

David Stone "Hallucination"

from "Reel Secrets of Magic" - by Close-Up Magic & Magic Zoom Entertainment

Move Monkeys:

Dave Johnson "bladder control"

Magick Balay "oh, shnap!"

Doug Conn "particle press"

Including the .pdf file, Magicseen, a European publication.

Running Timing Approximately: 2hr 32min

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Difficulty of level 3 for this magic's trick
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