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Coin magic

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(James Piper)


Welcome to "Piperactive Volume 2" the brand new DVD from rsvpmagic starring the superb James Piper. This DVD feature some incredibly strong magic using just a regular deck of cards and some normal coins

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Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick
34.5 €17.25

(Al Schneider)


In this set of experiments, we are looking for odd and novel methods and effects. We want things that twist the mind. Who would think of a broken and restored potato chip? (The method is weirder than the effect...!)

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34.5 €17.25

(Troy Hooser)

Apprenez à maîtriser les techniques d’utilisation du gimmick le plus trompeur en magie des pièces : la coquille. Troy Hooser va vous enseigner 10 routines utilisant une coquille, ainsi que différents jeux d’habileté et de manipulations. Profitez-en, une coquille de ½ Dollar d’une valeur de 20€ est offerte avec ce DVD !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
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Difficulty of level 4 for magic's trick

(David Stone)


Voici "STONE X", le dernier DVD du fameux magicien français David Stone réalisé par son compère de toujours Jean Luc Bertrand. Vous découvrirez deux lives de la tournée de conférences sur 16 mois dans plus de 19 pays et... 183 conférences ! Plus de trois heures de pure magie pour 45 effets et routines ! Une expérience magique à ne rater sous aucun prétexte !

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When Dr. Sawa burst onto the magic scene back in the 1970s, he caused an international sensation. His work with paper, seashells, ropes and especially coins, was simultaneously whimsical and astonishing.

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Cette collection très réputée est idéale pour vous créer votre propre routine en vous inspirant des meilleures routines par les meilleurs magiciens du monde. Chacun des DVD de cette collection porte sur un thème différent, ils constituent la meilleure façon de travailler une spécialité en magie.

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Imaginez le meilleur de la magie, les meilleurs magiciens et les meilleurs fabricants réunis au même endroit ? Ne cherchez plus ! Voici le meilleur de la magie présentée par les meilleurs magiciens.

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Imagine the best magic, the best magicians, and the best producers all in one place. Imagine no more...

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(Geoff Weber)


X Finger requires no gimmicks. It is completely impromptu and allows for some of the most beautiful and unusual vanishes, transformations, transpositions and appearances in all of magic.

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(Abdullah Mahmoud)


Quite often a transpo effect requires a duplicate object to complete the effect. What if you can take away that restriction? Abdullah Mahmoud, from Egypt, has created a way to vanish the spectator's signature on their coin and have it appear on another. This is more than just a moving ink effect. Egyptian Ink allows you to create an impossible moment and souvenir between you and your spectators.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Miguel Angel Gea)


Miguel Angel Gea is one of Spain's finest close-up magicians, the winner of many awards including the Ascanio Prize and the National Grand Prix of Magic in Spain. On these four DVDs he explains his prize-winning magic including magic inspired by Spain's legendary coin worker Joaquin Navajas.

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(Jay Sankey)


The magician impossibly inserts the coin INSIDE the straw, and even dragged down the entire length of the straw. And the spectator's initals can be seen through the stretched plastic of the straw the entire time.

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Available Magic's trick
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Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Dominique Duvivier)


Percez les mystères du spectacle « Intimiste » de Dominique Duvivier, grâce à cet exceptionnel coffret triple DVD. Vous y trouverez le show intégral en live ainsi que les explications de chaque tour en détails.

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Available Magic's trick
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(Richard Sanders)


In September of 2002, Jay Sankey and Richard Sanders began video corresponding, sending rough magic ideas and handlings back and forth between Toronto and Montreal. During the next year and a half they included many of the routines in their professional performances while continuing to refine the handlings and swap ideas. Then in January of 2004, Richard and Jay met in Montreal for a series of intense marathon sessions during which they stopped only to grab a shower, some pizza and buy more decks of cards. During the same 72-hour period they taped the material that makes up this very special double volume DVD. The "Sankey/Sanders Sessions" features 21 astonishing close-up effects along with hilarious improvisations and though provoking interview segments. It is also a fascinating, timeless document of two master sleight-of-hand magicians who have been close friends for over twenty years. VOLUME 1 Terra Unfirma: A cardboard "hole" becomes real! Too cool! Hardcore Packet: A packet trick on steroids! Litmus Paper: Step-by-step printing of a card! On Impulse: Jay's "spectator finds the Aces" routine! Midas Touch: Splitting coins never looked so good! Imposters: Random cards transform into the signed card! Impossible Stop Trick: Right out of Richard's professional repertoire! Shuffle By Choice: A self-working "in their hands" miracle! Power Lunch: Jay's favorite routine with business cards! Mix Master: We don't want to ruin the surprise! Moving Day: A small tear travels the length of a bill! VOLUME 2 Repeat Offender: The selection appears stapled inside a matchbook! Bleed Through: A message melts through a borrowed bill! Up & Over Aces: Richard's ingenious four Ace production! Proximity: Two cards find each other in the dark! Defective: A "cardboard malfunction" is overcome! Switch Places Aces: The classic routine from "When Creators Collide!" Seeing Read: A deadly serious, psychic "book test." Consolidated Cash: Don't blink or you'll miss the miracle! Ground Zero: A card appears in the spectator's own hands! Belly of the Beast: The new "heavy transpo" on the block!

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Available Magic's trick
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(Justin Miller)


Justin Miller's sleight of hand looks like REAL MAGIC! His original thinking is genius and his teaching is thorough. He will fool your socks off!

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Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Juan Luis Rubiales)


Juan Luis Rubiales has created the ultimate coin box. It’s an Okito, Boston and Slot Box all in one. It’s an ingenious combination that enables you to create routines that baffle even the experts. Rubiales performs and explains five different effects including Come and Go, an instantaneous appearance and disappearance of a coin from the box.

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Magic's trick in restocking
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