Imagination Deck (Anthony Stan)
The Imagination deck will allow you to perform real miracles that your audience will not forget!
The Imagination deck will allow you to perform real miracles that your audience will not forget!
A magical effect that uses the traditional Japanese toy, the "Daruma-otoshi". You can't drop it on the ground, because the magic daruma will magically rebuild itself.
Imagine having a sharpie marker gently touch a deck of cards, only to have it start sinking through the deck like a hot knife melting through butter. While your audience is in utter astonishment by the impossible visual, you pull the sharpie out and dump out the entire deck of cards from the tuck case. Everything can be examined by your spectator.
This bottle automatically stands up when someone lays it down. All the spectators will try. You are the only one able to maintain the bottle laid down.
Two cars are selected from a blue deck and put face down on the table with a red deck. The magician lifts up the red deck and drops it back on top of the two cards which magically change into red backs. Then, the red card case is opened and the deck spread on the table to show two blue back cards among the others...
You can produce various objects from it as long as they are the correct size to work with the case.
Impossible ! The performer makes a die penetrate a bar and come out of a tube, dropping on the table.
The magician show a large silk and slowly pushes it into his left closed fist. A blow and the silk completely disappears! Very easy to do. The foulard is not included.
Do you ever imagine that you have the power of supernatural? Do you ever imagine that you can stop the water dropping from a glass? Do you want to attract more attentions from everyone in the parties or bar?
Now you can perform a truly impossible feat of levitation without complicated body hookups, without fumbling with reels and without fear of the object falling to the ground because your thread snapped. Impossible has never been so easy!
A canny finger chopper but not well known.Totally detachable. A magnificent woodworking finish.
The magician, shows a deck of cards both front and back, has one or more cards selected, and puts them back in the deck. This is then squared, and thrown into a paper bag. The bag is shaken vigorously. He puts his hand inside the bag, and finds all the cards chosen!
The most incredible card swap you've ever seen! Two jokers and a different card will switch places in a very visual way. All cards can be shown afterwards.
With Impostors your audience will live an incredible visual stunning moment of magic. Two cards are selected. The magician with only two jokers and his empty hands transforms them very clearly into the two selected cards. As an encore, the two selected cards change back unbelievably into the jokers! It's very easy to do!
An impression changes on their skin. From the mind of Kevin Li & Hanson Chien, 6 years in the making. Using a Sharpie cap, you make an impression on spectator's hand, and it changes into their card, this is IMPRESS. In addition to making the impression change, you can transport it from your hand to theirs.
Imagine your spectator signs a blank card. With your spectator's phone, a photo of spectator holding their own signed blank card is taken. The spectator mentally reflects on a playing card. Their own signed blank card turns into a SIGNED thought of card in their OWN phone.
Jason Yu from SansMinds' in-house designer team has designed Imprint to challenge the boundary of what visual magic could be. Imagine being able to toss any small object INTO a bill and immediately hand the bill out. This is the ultimate form of organic magic. The seemingly impromptu nature leaves the spectators no room to disbelieve but to drop their jaws.
The magician impossibly inserts the coin INSIDE the straw, and even dragged down the entire length of the straw. And the spectator's initals can be seen through the stretched plastic of the straw the entire time.
Despite its simplicity, this is one of the best, and most practical rising card effects available. The effect is very well known: a card is selected by a spectator, and put back in the deck. Then mysteriously the card slowly rises from the pack!
In just a few minutes you can learn Tony Clark's killer comedy rope tie routine.
This incredible glass (transparent) will allow you to carry out a multitudes of routines... You will be able to make disappear for example a signed coin to make it reappear in the wallet of the spectator, you will also be able to make appear a multitude of coins of nothingness...
You borrow a cigarette to a spectator and you put it in your closed fist.Open your hand, the cigarette has vanished.
Five face down cards are shown. Three are taken out, and then put back in their places face up. The face up cards are seen to be alternated with face down cards. With a snap of the fingers, and without any suspicious moves, the face up cards magically turn face down.
Imagine if you could find any billet, secretly, in one second... now with Indexpress 2.0 you can, it's possible! Bluff your spectators with your predictions!