ECO Mental photography deck
A completely white card deck will automatically print just in front of the amazed audience.
A completely white card deck will automatically print just in front of the amazed audience.
As your finger gently glides along the edge, the name of their selected card appears written in permanent ink. A masterpiece 450 years in the making.
"When I came up with PGBalloon, the device for the appearance of an inflated balloon from the mouth, firstly it was necessary to eat the inflated balloon. Initially, I thought it would be easy to do. I tried a lot of ways, but I did not like any of them because none worked with 100% stability. So, I invented this gimmick." Viktor Voitko
The essential accessory for professional magicians and enthusiasts of special effects! This mini flash pot has been specifically designed for those who want to create a burst of fire whenever and wherever they desire
The performer takes off his hat when he starts his performance. Then he shows both sides of a handkerchief to the audience. The handkerchief is empty, just as his hands and hat are empty, but an egg magically appears on the hat. He repeate the procedure and another egg shows up. That is not all until a little and walking chick comes from the hat.
An egg is placed inside a bag which has a see through front, and vanishes! Just as suddenly, the egg reappears again inside the bag! The performer removes the egg from the bag and places it into his pocket, but again the egg jumps inside the bag!
Impress your audience with an egg, four cups and a hammer! You'll have to guess which cup your spectator has hidden the egg under, once they've mixed it up. Everything can be examined by the audience!
An egg appears in your mouth. You remove it, and another egg appears, and another, as often as you like. It has all the comedy ingredients guaranteed to draw a laugh. The special solid plastic eggs supplied are ideal for this trick, with many other uses for them, described in the instructions.
Quite often a transpo effect requires a duplicate object to complete the effect. What if you can take away that restriction? Abdullah Mahmoud, from Egypt, has created a way to vanish the spectator's signature on their coin and have it appear on another. This is more than just a moving ink effect. Egyptian Ink allows you to create an impossible moment and souvenir between you and your spectators.
The prediction cards are taken out of the wallet and spread… to everyone’s surprise only one card is face up, and it is the same card and same position as the spectator’s chosen card.
Think bigger, think ONE DOLLAR coins, think performing the same kind of miracles with the biggest coins. Tango Magic, the winner of the Invention Award FISM 2012, introduced a special line combining One dollar Eisenhower and a beautiful Copper coin (copper Liberty). Now you will have Copper and Silver, Scotch and Soda and Hopping half in Eisenhower one dollar size.
The magician shows a deck of cards and begins to make fans. After he stretches the card on his arm, tosses in the air and grab them back. He ends his performance by running some "falls" with the cards.
Electric Touch Plus gives you the extraordinary ability to deliver an electrostatic shock that will not only surge through your fingertips, but through your entire body as well !
EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) are electronic recordings interpreted as voices from the dead or other paranormal sources. Alan Rorrison's latest masterpiece, EVP, allows you to seemingly harvest voices from the other side and make them answer the questions of your spectator ON THEIR PHONE.
3000 decks limited. Elemental Master is a super-powerful deck, and the routine's value is only limited by your imagination! Combines an innovative marking system with a groundbreaking design and rich elements to make it a versatile tool.
Leave your spectators speechless with four simple elements: A deck, a clothespin, a rope and a tassel! The tutorial will teach you how!
Tommy Wonder's brilliant effect Elizabeth IV got an updated handling, making it even easier and more bafflling. The effect contains a red Phoenix Double Decker Deck.
A vanished padlock, an impossible escape... Experience the legendary magic of Houdini in your hands!
Emagine is a visual ink effect with multiple uses. A versatile gimmick that will allow you to make instant changes, appearances and disappearances.
AN IMPOSSIBLE COINCIDENCE An incredible coincidence effect performed under impossible conditions.
This is the comedy card routine that helped Woody Aragón win first prize at the International Day of Magic in London, 2011. The Bumblebees of the title are printed on the cards. Four bumblebees travel one at a time from one packet to another in the most mysterious fashion.
A wonderful close up effect in which a loop of string penetrates through the fingers again and again under increasingly impossible conditions. Enigma was one of the most talked about tricks at the Essential Magic Conference and is now released for the first time.
Lennart Green created a sensation when he first introduced Figurine to the magic world. It is an amazing demonstration of magical origami. A piece of paper is folded and sculpted into a perfect miniature statue, a figurine.
A professional Magic Square routine from the repertoire of Luis de Matos. Members of the audience call out numbers at random. Unbelievably, from these the performer is able to construct a perfect magic square. All the columns, rows, diagonals and corners add up to the same number.