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(Gaêtan Bloom)

Gaëtan a mis au point une routine de change de foulards qui élimine l'emploi de Tube Manicolor. Depuis ce temps, ce tour est devenu son tour d'entrée en cabaret, inutile de vous dire qu'il est hyper efficace ! Adoptez à votre tour cette incroyable routine drôle et visuelle qui dure et prend si peu de place dans vos affaires !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

Défiez la matière ! Remplissez un verre d'un liquide quelconque afin de prouver qu'il n'est pas troué, puis videz-le. Insérez un foulard à l'intérieur du verre, vous pouvez montrer parfaitement le dessous du verre. D'une façon incroyable, faites traverser le foulard à travers le bas du verre en le ressortant par dessous.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick

( Vernet)

Change a silk into ball before performing your favourite ball routine. A Vernet product that you must own.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
8.5 €4.25

( Vernet)

Un tour surprenant dans lequel un foulard se transforme en œuf.Un tour étonnamment ingénieux !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

A 12" silk is held between the thumb and finger of each hand. When the hands are brought together, the silk is transformed into a beautiful flower which can be worn on your coat or costume. The flower can be made to jump from one side of your coat or costume to the other side to fly all around your neck at your will.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

The magician shows both of his hands empty and removes an eight-inch silk handkerchief. He pushes the silk into his closed fist with the aid of a pen. When the magician opens his hand, the silk has completely vanished!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Iñaki Zabaletta)

Silkeny 2.0. By Iñaki Zabaletta My professional handkerchief routine After many years of doing Silkeny I now present this version that is the synthesis of all these years of work.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Juan Alvarez)

Twister Magic and George Iglesias are proud to present the new Social Print routine by Juan Alvarez designed for virtual and live shows! This is a full routine created for the amateur or professional magician. This routine easily adapts to any situation and is themed around social media. Packed with entertaining moments, it's a proven worker that's very easy to do.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Juan Alvarez)

Twister Magic and George Iglesias are proud to present the new Social Print routine by Juan Alvarez designed for virtual and live shows! This is a full routine created for the amateur or professional magician. This routine easily adapts to any situation and is themed around social media. Packed with entertaining moments, it's a proven worker that's very easy to do.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Magnifique foulard à pois très léger et peu volumineux. Les pois sont imprimés sur le tissu en soie (et non collés). Il fait 38 cm de côté et vous pouvez le trouver de couleur blanc à pois noir ou noir à pois blanc.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Magnifique foulard à pois très léger et peu volumineux. Les pois sont imprimés sur le tissu en soie (et non collés). Il fait 60 cm de côté et vous pouvez le trouver de couleur blanc à pois noir ou noir à pois blanc.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

Magnifique foulard à pois très léger et peu volumineux. Les pois sont imprimés sur le tissu en soie (et non collés). Il fait 90 cm de côté et vous pouvez le trouver de couleur blanc à pois noir ou noir à pois blanc.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick

A silk streamer (approx. 48 x 6 inches) with spots changes to a bright multi-color streamer in a couple of shakes. The reverse can also be done, from multi-color to spotted.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

The magician first shows an empty red parallelepiped and then another yellow one. Although they are clearly empty, immediately after they are shown, he produces from them, silks, flower bouquets and much more! Is it a square circle? Yes, it is but a special one!

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

Ce streamer, qui peut être utilisé comme écharpe, va changer de couleur de façon instantanée et extrêmement visuelle. Il passera de noir à multicolore ou inversement. Ce modèle est fabriqué en tissu synthétique de bonne qualité.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 1 for magic's trick

(Mr Tango)

Mr. Tango has worked for years to examine the best attributes of past reels and combine those with brand new ideas and technology to bring you one of the best reels ever created to the magic market.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick

(Sean Bogunia)

This suitcase is merely the first part of the dancing hank from Sean Bogunia. It will allow you to perform miracles and you can also use it to bring various objects to life (such as jumbo cards, puppets, jumbo silks...).

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 5 for magic's trick

This is a fabulous magic routine for stage very visual. Perfect for comedy magic. The top of one umbrella will change with 8 colored silks. I mean the silks will change into the top of the umbrella and at the end there are the 8 silks hanging at the umbrella whose top has vanished. Fantastic !

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Sean Bogunia)

This is the third part of the dancing hank from Sean Bogunia. You will be able to bring the silk to life, to move it, to make it dancing in music. You will be able to perform all these things with yours hands being free because the trick is completely programmable and without thread.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick

(Sean Bogunia)

Imagine you make a silk flying above the spectators in the room. It even goes out and enters the room before going back on the stage. The moves are flowing and the speed is variable, so the motion is very natural.

tour de magie
magic's trick
Magic's trick in restocking
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 5 for magic's trick

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