Blinded (Mickaël Chatelain)
Conceived in 2016 by Mickael, BLINDED will seem like trick photography! But imagine presenting this illusion LIVE, in front of your spectators and just a few centimeters from their eyes...
Conceived in 2016 by Mickael, BLINDED will seem like trick photography! But imagine presenting this illusion LIVE, in front of your spectators and just a few centimeters from their eyes...
Make money appear instantly with this amazing envelope! It's child's play! An accessory that has been developed to make it easy for you to prepare and perform!
"The Real Secret is not how does it Work, but why does it work !"
6 different-colored blocks with holes are enclosed in a box. Two people freely choose 2 blocks. You pass a pin through the box, and thus through the 6 blocks... The 2 chosen blocks escape as if by magic.
A silk flies out from the opposite end of a magic tube with the selected card printed in the middle of it.
Cet effet est génial ! Il est très facile à faire… Vous allez faire disparaître une pièce signée par un spectateur, et celle-ci va se retrouver dans un endroit vraiment impossible…
Here it comes George Iglesias again with a great twist on a classic! Inspired by the Dove Pan effect, George bring us a new version, this time with a chocolate box!
Here it comes George Iglesias again with a great twist on a classic! Inspired by the Dove Pan effect, George bring us a new version, this time with a chocolate box!
Faites apparaître une vraie bouteille de vin et offrez-la à vos spectateurs ! Un effet très commercial car vos spectateurs ne seront pas prêt d'oublier votre intervention.
This is one of my favourite effects! Out of all the routines available to a magician, this is one of the most commercial and gets what are probably the strongest reactions possible for the working magician.These gimmicks have a hole that goes right through the gimmick that allows you to pour a little liquid from the bottle once attached.
Avec ce lot, vous recevrez les deux accessoires pour la bouteille à travers la table ou à travers le corps d'un spectateur. Un accessoire qui imite les bouteilles en verre de couleur verte, et l'autre pour le verre marron.
Two rubber balls that look, feel and squeeze the same... but try bouncing them! One rebounds in a most lively manner while the other...well...it`s about as bounceless as a piece of clay! Highly visual, golf ball size, perfect for palming or sleeving and great for any size audience!
You give a tube and a brass ball for examination. The diameter of the ball is ampler than the tube's. So the ball can pass thru the tube.However, you are able to do it.
Vous faites voyager des dés! 4 dés vont voyager l'un après l'autre pour tous se retrouver, finalement, dans une soucoupe.
Make a borrowed ring or coin vanish and reappear locked inside a brass cylinder that only the spectator can open.
BREATH is super easy and FUN to perform, the reactions are Amazing so... You can also tear of a piece of a playing card or use the corner of a bill to spit into the blister.
Un tour parfait pour le close-up, le salon, la street magie, de quoi s’agit-il ? J’en ai rêvé pendant des mois, je l’ai imaginé il y a plus de 2 ans et aujourd’hui je suis heureux de vous proposer ce gimmick INCROYABLE !
Experience the magic of "Bricked", where illusions meet the world of Lego®! Unique cards and a brick deck finale to captivate any audience.
The bare hands soap bubble production! The magician shows his hands clearly empty. He blows and immediately produces a shower of soap bubbles from his hands.
A borrowed ring is locked on a 4 digit combination brass lock and, the dials are mixed. Spectator thinks of any 4 digit number dials them on the lock. This proves to be the secret numbers that opens the lock!
A borrowed ring is locked on a 4 digit combination brass lock and, the dials are mixed. Spectator thinks of any 4 digit number dials them on the lock. This proves to be the secret numbers that opens the lock!
Make candy magically appear in your spectator's hand! Candyman, a tangible, unforgettable magic experience that will amaze all the senses.
This is a set of 12 auto-seal universal size caps, good for any soda, water and juice bottles.