The Art of Rubber Band (Calvin Liew)
If you can only perform the magic tricks with one type of object; what that object could be ? From the mind of Calvin Liew; we are proud to present you The Art of Rubber Band.
If you can only perform the magic tricks with one type of object; what that object could be ? From the mind of Calvin Liew; we are proud to present you The Art of Rubber Band.
A trick very easy to perform thanks the clever gimmick that is fully hidden in the deck of cards! Your audience will think they need their eyes checked when the ink starts to blur. Get ready to hear them shout in surprise!
L'Effet Papillon donne l'illusion qu'une force mystérieuse voyage dans l'espace depuis la main du magicien jusque dans celle du spectateur. Une carte se retourne seule dans la main du spectateur, puis se met à tourner sur elle-même. L'effet le plus recherché parmi les idées de Bruno !
The Chinese Charming Challenge got reinvented. Again, by the crazy mind of Spanish FISM Award Winner Mario Lopez Let Mario fool you with his take on the Chinese Charming Challenge. And then get yours to fool your spectators as well. A magical masterpiece, get yours now!
Les succès de Choice, Switch Cup ou Letters n'arrêtent pas Jérôme Sauloup, bien au contraire ! Ce magicien français talentueux revient avec une nouvelle idée : faire apparaître ce que vous voulez tout en faisant disparaître.... un camembert !
The 100% Examinable Torn & Restored Newspaper! EXPERTS BAFFLED BY NEWSPAPER TEAR THAT'S 100% EXAMINABLE!
Some cards are shown: three are blank and one has the drawing of an egg. This card is turned on its back on the table, and the others are placed under. The magician gives a tap on the egg that magically appears under the table. The card above, however, is turned and has become blank.
With The Final Piece, a viewer will be able to choose at random, the missing piece of a puzzle.
Magic takes flight with The Fly Lite: the fly that finds THE card chosen by your spectators!
The Game is a complete treatise on The Three Shell Game. It comes with all you need to learn and perform this great guessing game. You'll be taught maneuvers designed to fool your audience, step by step.
The Gecko Pro System (GPS) combines the ORIGINAL GECKO SYSTEM with the GECKO EXTREME SYSTEM! GPS allows you to safely vanish, switch or transform almost ANY borrowed item VISUALLY AND SILENTLY!! It is an easy-to-use, light-weight and unobtrusive magic device that you will carry with you at all times.
A coin vanishes as it has been wrapped by a black hole. Where can it be? Automatic trick. Can be performed with any coin!
The Gift is a self-contained, precision-crafted device that makes the effect easy to perform. It doesn't use any indexes or loads, and resets in seconds. Open the box, set up the device, and you'll be performing within minutes.
The Houdidni disk is a very visual escape : a red disk is placed in a little box between two green disks is going to escape from it and fall out on the hand of the spectator ! Exactly like Houdini used to do, also the red Houdini disc has made the impossible possible.
The Intercessor is a unique gimmick that makes miracles possible. Created by the inventive Gaetan Bloom and used in his professional shows for many years, it enables you to do most baffling versions of the classic card in orange.
Réalisez des miracles grâce à la main invisible. Elle est la partenaire idéale du magicien puisqu’elle donne et reprend tout objet sans que personne ne s’en aperçoive…
Ce coffret est composé de 3 DVDs et de « La Main Invisible » (le tour) de Vernet. Il vous permettra d’exploiter à fond toutes les possibilités et le potentiel de l’un des meilleurs tirages qui n’est jamais été créé.
The magician shows the audience a doll and immediately after he lays it on his palm. At this point, with a magic gesture the doll comes to life and stands up from the hand of the magician.
Turn the boomerang illusion into a captivating show with "The Long & Short of It". Three minutes of magic and humor, perfect for all ages.
A fully magnetic ring fashioned into a normal ring for professional magicians! It will give you a host of unique opportunities to amaze and impress, limited only by the extent of your imagination.
A fully magnetic ring fashioned into a normal ring for professional magicians! It will give you a host of unique opportunities to amaze and impress, limited only by the extent of your imagination.
A fully magnetic ring fashioned into a normal ring for professional magicians! It will give you a host of unique opportunities to amaze and impress, limited only by the extent of your imagination.
Voici un puzzle de formes géométriques très mystérieux. Vous pourrez ajouter des pièces et pourtant il aura toujours la même forme !!! C'est une vraie énigme géométrique !
Voici un magnifique puzzle de formes géométriques transparentes très mystérieux. Vous pourrez ajouter des pièces et pourtant il aura toujours la même forme et le même volume !!! C'est une vraie énigme géométrique ! Livré dans une boite tiroir transparente, avec le cadre transparent compris.