IARVEL Pad (Iarvel Magic)
Le Iarvel Pad est un presse-papiers high-tech qui transmet secrètement les pensées écrites de vos spectateurs à vos appareils mobiles
Le Iarvel Pad est un presse-papiers high-tech qui transmet secrètement les pensées écrites de vos spectateurs à vos appareils mobiles
James Went's spectacular routine has been an underground smash - utterly devastating magicians at conventions around the world. If well-read, professional magicians can be fried with iCaan, just imagine what it looks like to a 'muggle'!
This new DVD box set is Morgan Strebler's latest and most unique work to date. Ice Cold is Morgan's contemporary approach to traditional Cold Reading techniques. Only 700 sets will be produced worldwide.
There is something special about doing magic with an ephemeral object, something that exists for only a short time. In this case, we're talking about ice. Ice is a magical thing. It appears spontaneously in water, a substance essential to life. Defying gravity, it floats to the top where it shines like a diamond. If we touch it or try to hold it, it melts away, vanishing like a magician, transforming back into water again. Floating water in it's crystalized state is the ultimate levitation effect. To a spectator, the idea of a thread attached to, or a magnet hidden in the ice is immediately ruled out, there is no proving required when the ice begins to float. Your audience will know instantly and intuitively that what they're seeing is absolutely impossible.
Imagine. Borrowing a cell phone, then placing it in your spectator's hands. With a simple magical gesture, you cause their iPhone to become COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT!
What is an ICON? Maybe it's something simple. An app on your phone. A picture. Maybe it's something more. A symbol. A metaphor. An inspiration
From the creative mind of Shin Lim comes the most visual iPhone magic ever created. After multiple performances worldwide, shin has decided to share 6 of his favorite moments out of his Cell Phone act with the magic community.
This is a multi-functional object that you can use as a magic wand and as a normal pen! The Ideal Magician’s Pen is above all a pen that can be used at any moment, for any occasion. To differentiate it from other pens, its originality is the extractable curtain. You can use this curtain as a reminder or to write a prédiction or only for your appointments!!
Identity est le tout dernier effet de l'incroyable Richard Sanders. Encore une de ses idées tordues comme pour « Interlace » ou « Tagged ». Les traits que vous avez dessinés au dos d'une carte choisie et signée par un spectateur vont se déplacer à vue d'oeil pour former le prénom de votre spectateur !
The second release in the Origin Series, Ignite Playing Cards captures golden flames, glowing embers and the smouldering black char of a scorching inferno.
Ignition is always on you. When not in use, it travels inconspicuously on your key chain. But, when you're ready to perform, there's no fumbling - just detach it from its quick release carabiner (included) and your set to perform.
Another amazing idea by Juan Pablo.An surprising trick with diversified uses, just to impress your audience!
Illuminate takes card revelations to a whole new level, as the image of their card forms within the flame of the lighter you just borrowed. Want to document the image? Have the spectator snap a picture! Then offer to send it to them so they have something to have with them always! Illuminate is visual, practical, fun and easy to do!
Imagine producing/vanishing/transforming objects with a flash of light! Here's a utility device to enhance your magic effects. The bright light is generated by a flash, which is identical to the light source used for photography.
Illusion d'Optique is the most jaw-dropping collection of optical illusion playing cards ever assembled. Housed in a wild, rainbow-sheen holographic tuck-case, you may feel like you're hallucinating before you even open up the box. Inside, you'll find 54 eye-popping original designs created by a master of visual perception, Gianni Sarcone.
Chris Stolz is known as one of the top up and coming illusion designers in the industry today with incredible creations like his gorgeous looking sawing illusion "4 Way Split" or his incredibly practical levitation for the small stage "Sound Waves".
The Illusioneer was a critically-acclaimed smash success in its original French language, and now this important work has been translated into English. You'll learn Matrix handlings, as well as stunning card magic designed for use in professional gala shows or strolling engagements.
Le Quatrième Tome de la série des « Illusions Théâtrale » de James Hodges. Un très bel ouvrage merveilleusement illustré consacré au coté artistique des grandes illusions.
Le dernier livre de James Hodge vient de paraître.Voici le volume 5 de la série « Les Grandes illusions » dans lequel il nous livre des secrets inestimables.
What could be better than being able to make things appear and disappear at any given time? Transform an object into another, change the value of a bill, restore a torn card or picture... or even better: TURN A SIMPLE DRAWING INTO REALITY!
Imagination Coins allows your audience to do the magic in their own hands. Simple, clear and beyond anything they can imagine. If you have used Imagination Coins in the past this information will bring you into a new world of effectiveness. 50 cts euros Gimmick and small, black, silicon change coin purse included.
The Imagination deck will allow you to perform real miracles that your audience will not forget!
A magical effect that uses the traditional Japanese toy, the "Daruma-otoshi". You can't drop it on the ground, because the magic daruma will magically rebuild itself.
Imagine having a sharpie marker gently touch a deck of cards, only to have it start sinking through the deck like a hot knife melting through butter. While your audience is in utter astonishment by the impossible visual, you pull the sharpie out and dump out the entire deck of cards from the tuck case. Everything can be examined by your spectator.