DVD Children's Magic (Terry Herbert) (Terry Herbert)
The DVD of one of the best children magician. Discover the show ofTerry Herbert and then understand the concepts he proposes you. Read and entertain children!
The DVD of one of the best children magician. Discover the show ofTerry Herbert and then understand the concepts he proposes you. Read and entertain children!
By DVD, you will learn not only diverse close-up techniques, visual effects, and tricks which you can use your close-up magic but also making gimmick.
Dans ce premier volume de sa trilogie « Close up. Up close », Joshua Jay vous dévoile tous ses secrets : sa magie est interactive, surprenante, subtile, efficace et très intelligente. Apprenez 8 routines impressionnantes.
Dans ce deuxième volume de sa trilogie « Close up. Up close », Joshua Jay continu de vous dévoiler tous ses secrets : sa magie est interactive, surprenante, subtile, et très intelligente.Apprenez 14 routines incroyables.
Ce DVD vous propose, pour la première fois, la réunion de 3 grands artistes de la magie pour découvrir de magnifiques routines de close-up.
Eric Chien has been impressing top coin workers around the world with his performances of incredible sleight-of-hand magic. Some are saying he has created the best vanish in the world of a single coin.
In his first and highly anticipated DVD contribution to magic, magician and creator Homer Liwag (Creative Team / David Copperfield) presents his extremely visual coins across routine - CoinOne.
CONJURING PHILIP tells the tale of researchers who experiment in communication with the spirit world. Belief, immortality, and science all are investigated in 'Conjuring Philip'.
DVD de Jean-Pierre Vallarino regroupant 20 techniques de contrôles de cartes différentes pour les amateurs et les débutants.
Le deuxième volume des techniques de contrôles de cartes par J.P. Vallarino est enfin disponible ! Ce DVD sera de bon conseil autant pour les débutants que pour les magiciens expérimentés car vous allez pouvoir trouver et peaufiner des nouvelles techniques de contrôle.
The corner of a card is torn off and replaced with a corner from a different card! It is then handed to the spectator to examine!
Déchirez, brûlez, restaurez ! L'une des plus belles versions de cartes déchirée et restaurée qui soit, pratique et moderne, réalisable totalement entouré. Une création du fameux magicien et créateur américain Wayne Houchin.
Ce DVD très original et drôle est tourné en situation de caméras cachés pour piéger autrui. Par exemple, Siméon prend la place d'un vendeur de téléphones, ou d'un loueur de DVD et réalise de la magie dans ces personnages là... Puis, il explique dans un deuxième temps tous ces secrets et astuces. Un régal !
Step into De'vo's world to experience and learn visual card manipulation like never before!
Although Pavel was not born a mentalist, his creations in this field are captivating. This volume contains tricks a kind not found on any other, Pavel's use of colorful props in such cunning ways leave even the experts dumbfounded.
Volume four contains the secrets, many revealed here for the first time, to some of Pavel's favorite close-up effects. These tricks can best be characterized with the following two words: deceptive and easy.
The Daniel Garcia Projects became a must-have for a new generation of magicians as well as seasoned professionals. Now, with the help of Paul Harris and the Buck Twins, Garcia has signed off on the final chapters of his new set. Chapter 5
Daryl has extensively researched literally hundreds os magic books, magazines and lectures notes to seek out and bring you the finest card revelations available. Here he presents 23 of the very best.
Here you will learn 36 fascinating ways to conclude your pick a card routines and all are taught by one of the true masters of card magic : World champion magician Daryl
In this Dvd Daryl shows you different methods to reveal a selected card.
Deflect is portable, self-contained on the case and doesn't affect your everyday card use. The performer draws something on cellophane of the playing card case. And before the spectators' eyes the writing changes.
Ce DVD va permettre à toute personne qui le désire, de connaitre les bases de l'hypnotisme et ainsi, à travers de multiples expériences, en toute sécurité, d'acquérir l'assurance nécessaire pour pratiquer à son tour l'hypnose.
Imagine borrowing a phone and recording a video of a bill with a unique serial number. All details are replicated digitally inside of a borrowed device. Now imagine for a split second, you force the door of the digital world to open, and you pull the bill into your own hand.
And What If...all of these routines relied on a single new move that is as easy as dropping cards? (You have occasionally dropped cards, haven't you?)
Vous avez toujours voulu devenir ventriloque mais ils vous manquaient les techniques et des idées ? Vous trouverez toutes les réponses que vous avez toujours recherchées dans ce DVD signé Didier Ledda !