Coin In Bottle Half Dollar
A chisel coin perfect for your Coin In Bottle trick....and others routines.
A chisel coin perfect for your Coin In Bottle trick....and others routines.
Each effect and routine is explained in exhaustive detail along with beautifully clear illustrations by Richard Kaufman himself ! Whether you're an experienced magician or just starting out, this book will take you to the next level!
Vous voulez devenir riche ? Et bien grace à cette étrange petite raquette magique, vous allez pouvoir faire apparaitre un nombre illimité de pièces de 1 euro, 50 cts ou 20cts... Faites rêver vos spectateurs avec cette routine facile à réaliser.
Vous voulez devenir riche ? Et bien grace à cette étrange petite raquette magique, vous allez pouvoir faire apparaitre un nombre illimité de pièces de 1 euro, 50 cts ou 20cts... Faites rêver vos spectateurs avec cette routine facile à réaliser.
This leather coin purse is perfect to keep all your coin tricks in one place. Holds up to 6 coins.
This leather coin purse is perfect to keep all your coin tricks in one place. Holds up to 6 coins.
Now TCC PRESENTS has made improvements on its original version, customized matt texture, super microfiber leather with excellent touch, high-grade mercerized lining, and readjusted the shape. You will love its texture and more stylish appearance.
This is an innovative item, very easy to use. This lovely brass tube allows you to make real coins travelling. It can be completely examined.Don’t miss it!!
Two 50 cts coins are placed on a card put on a glass. A magic move and one of the two coins passes through the card, being inside the glass.
Deux pièces de 1/2 $ sont posées sur une carte, elle-même posée sur un verre. D'une simple passe magique, l'une des deux pièces traverse la carte, se retrouvant ainsi dans le verre.
Deux pièces de 2 ? sont posées sur une carte, elle-même posée sur un verre. D'une simple passe magique, l'une des deux pièces traverse la carte, se retrouvant ainsi dans le verre.
Here's a great penetration effect and easy to do, using a Glass and some completely normal Coins! It's a super-visual miracle! It doesn't require any special handling! Ideal for beginners!
Here's a great penetration effect and easy to do, using a Glass and some completely normal Coins! It's a super-visual miracle! It doesn't require any special handling! Ideal for beginners! Set of 12.
Here's a great penetration effect and easy to do, using a Glass and some completely normal Coins! It's a super-visual miracle! It doesn't require any special handling! Ideal for beginners! Set of 48.
The magician shows the audience a small plate, and puts a 2 euro coin on it. He then introduces a solid transparent glass and places it mouth downwards over the coin on the plate. Now with a 5 cents coin he starts to tap the bottom of the glass and suddenly, the audience will see the coin "penetrate" the bottom of the glass and drop near the 2 euro coin on the plate.
Une façon mystérieuse, sonore et visuelle de faire disparaître une pièce. Idéal pour faire apparaître la pièce signée dans des boites gigognes ! Facile à faire, taille demi dollar.
Coin Waltz is Alex Pandrea's take on the classic fusion plot in magic, where two objects inexplicably become one.
It is perfect for sponge-ball or coin routines!! Used in a lot of modern routines, this accessory rapidly becomes essential!!!
It is perfect for sponge-ball or coin routines!! Used in a lot of modern routines, this accessory rapidly becomes essential!!!
It is perfect for sponge-ball or coin routines!! Used in a lot of modern routines, this accessory rapidly becomes essential!!!
You have two cups.Three coins are placed into each cup.The coins from one cup will one by one magically appear in the other until all six coins finally appear together in the same cup; leaving the other cup.