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DVD Lorayne Ever! (Vol.8)

DVD Lorayne Ever! (Vol.8) (Harry Lorayne)


When Harry Lorayne teaches on camera, it's almost as if he's sitting with you in your own living room, helping and guiding you. It will be hard for you to decide which you enjoy more - the performances or Harry's explanations.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Lorayne Ever! (Vol.9)

DVD Lorayne Ever! (Vol.9) (Harry Lorayne)


It will be hard for you to decide which you enjoy more - the performances or Harry's explanations. As he teaches a particular routine, he also teaches each sleight, each move, the psychology, the proper attitude to take. Watching Harry Lorayne is watching impromptu close-up magic at its best.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Magic of Michael Ammar (Vol.1)

DVD Magic of Michael Ammar (Vol.1) (Michael Ammar)


Immediately upon its release, The Magic of Michael Ammar became one of the fastest-selling magic books in history. Now, for the first time on DVD, you can actually see the magic that made Michael Ammar a world-champion magician performed by its creator at the very peak of his powers.

tour de magie
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 4 for this magic's trick
45 Pts
DVD Magic of Michael Ammar (Vol.2)

DVD Magic of Michael Ammar (Vol.2) (Michael Ammar)


Immediately upon its release, The Magic of Michael Ammar became one of the fastest-selling magic books in history. Now, for the first time on DVD, you can actually see the magic that made Michael Ammar a world-champion magician performed by its creator at the very peak of his powers.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 4 for this magic's trick
35 Pts
DVD Magic of Michael Ammar (Vol.3)

DVD Magic of Michael Ammar (Vol.3) (Michael Ammar)


Immediately upon its release, The Magic of Michael Ammar became one of the fastest-selling magic books in history. Now, for the first time on DVD, you can actually see the magic that made Michael Ammar a world-champion magician performed by its creator at the very peak of his powers.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 4 for this magic's trick
25 Pts
DVD Magical Artistry (Vol.1)

DVD Magical Artistry (Vol.1) ( Petrick and Mia)


Petrick & Mia have cast their magic spell over audiences the world over-from the showrooms of Las Vegas to the most prestigious stages in Europe. On this volume, you'll be treated to amazingly visual effects perfect for the platform performer.

tour de magie
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Magical Artistry (Vol.2)

DVD Magical Artistry (Vol.2) ( Petrick and Mia)


Petrick & Mia have cast their magic spell over audiences the world over-from the showrooms of Las Vegas to the most prestigious stages in Europe. In this volume, watch and learn exciting new close-up magic straight from Petrick and Mia's award-winning repertoire.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
28 Pts
DVD Manipulations

DVD Manipulations (Stéphane Vanel)


Ce DVD est destiné a ceux qui désirent apprendre les bases de la manipulation des cartes sur scène. Vous apprendrez entre autre à faire des productions de cartes jumbo.

tour de magie
tour de magie
Out of stock
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 4 for this magic's trick
42 Pts

DVD Master Mindfreaks vol.3 (C. Angel)

DVD Master Mindfreaks vol.3 (C. Angel) (Criss Angel)


Delve inside a strange and magic universe by watching Criss Angel and Johnny Tompson performing their show in Hollywood. Then learn all their secrets thanks to this five DVD serie.Volume 3

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
15 Pts
DVD Master Mindfreaks vol.4 (C. Angel)

DVD Master Mindfreaks vol.4 (C. Angel) (Criss Angel)


Delve inside a strange and magic universe by watching Criss Angel and Johnny Tompson performing their show in Hollywood. Then learn all their secrets thanks to this five DVD serie.Volume 4

tour de magie
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
15 Pts
DVD Masterminds (Vol.5) Card Fusion

DVD Masterminds (Vol.5) Card Fusion (Criss Angel)


On this DVD, Criss Angel presents a brilliant routine created by Joe Monti. Cardfusion is the most visual and direct presentation and method of ripping up a normal playing card and restoring it in a flash.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
15 Pts
DVD Mathieu BICH

DVD Mathieu BICH (Mathieu Bich)


The creativity of Mathieu BICH is very complete. Enjoy this DVD very well done. Enter this creative world that will allow you to amaze any magician.

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tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
35 Pts
DVD Métal Eclipse

DVD Métal Eclipse (Tristan Mory)


In this DVD, Tristan MORY is proposing unique coin magic tricks and for that he had created new techniques, which will be explained in full details for the first time. You may be thinking you already know everything about coin magic...Fasten your seat belt. It will probably shake you badly!!!

tour de magie
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 4 for this magic's trick
45 Pts
DVD Mindbogglers (vol 3)

DVD Mindbogglers (vol 3) (Dan Harlan)


Finally, a complete explanation of the world's best swindles from the only grifter claiming to be a magician, belly dancer, floor gambler, frogwipe salesman, former racecar driver, brain surgeon and denture wearer - Dan Harlan!

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Monty the Spiv

DVD Monty the Spiv (Matthew Garrett)

You show the card in their new deck order. You shuffle and cut the pack and then tell a story using the cards. Despite the shuffles and repeated cutting of the cards throughout the routine all the cards turn up at the correct place in the story. Suitable for beginners and experts. Includes Matthew's original "new deck order" gimmick cards.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Open Traveller

DVD Open Traveller (David Acer)


David Acer creates, performs and teaches original, off-the-wall tricks using cards, coins, candies, balls, a clothes drier, matchbooks and bottles...

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Piperactive (Vol.2)

DVD Piperactive (Vol.2) (James Piper)


Welcome to "Piperactive Volume 2" the brand new DVD from rsvpmagic starring the superb James Piper. This DVD feature some incredibly strong magic using just a regular deck of cards and some normal coins

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Protons

DVD Protons (Chris Priest)


Rada trained and with over 16 years as a professional close-up magician, Christ Priest "The Millennium British Champion of Close-Up Magic" releases for the first time his amazing sponge ball routine for the magic fraternity.

tour de magie
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
30 Pts
DVD Pure Magic (Vol.3)

DVD Pure Magic (Vol.3) (Fernando Keops)


Elegant, poetic and astonishing. These are all words that describe the magic of Fernando Keops. On this video, Fernando Keops' focus is on magic-but, as you'll soon see, it's magic created by an artist and that speaks to the soul.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
20 Pts
DVD Reel Magic Episode 10

DVD Reel Magic Episode 10 (Mike Caveney)


Features: Caught on Tape: Mike Caveney John Lovick talks with Mike about the Long Beach Mystics, old magic books and takes us on a tour of the Egyptian Hall collection

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
10 Pts
DVD Reel Magic Episode 14

DVD Reel Magic Episode 14 (Wayne Dobson)

Feature: Wayne Dobson Wayne Kawamoto talks with Dobson about how multiple sclerosis has affected his approach to magic, changed his career - and redirected his life Daniel Garcia Part two of Kozmo's talk with Daniel at MAGICLive! Daniel discusses working with David Blaine

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
10 Pts
DVD Reel Magic Episode 23

DVD Reel Magic Episode 23 (Eric Decamps)


Features: Eric DeCamps talks with Andrew Pinard about creating a modern magic show. Russ Stevens of RSVP magic talks with Kozmo about making and marketing magic.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
10 Pts
DVD Reel Magic Episode 24

DVD Reel Magic Episode 24 (Paul Gertner)


Feature Interview - Paul Gertner: Wayne Kawamoto talks to Paul Gertner about the development of his Steel & Silver routine and performing for Johnny Carson

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
8 Pts
DVD Reel Magic Episode 25

DVD Reel Magic Episode 25 (Craig Petty)


Feature Interview - Dave Penn & Craig Petty: Kozmo talks with David Penn and Craig Petty about their show as well as the failed "magic-off" with Justin Miller.

tour de magie en promotion
tour de magie
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty's level 3 for this magic's trick
8 Pts
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