Méthode de transmission de pensée (Philippe Warren)
L’auteur, excellent professionnel, détaille ici la méthode de transmission de pensée qu’il a mise au point. Il l’utilise avec succès avec sa partenaire, depuis de très nombreuses années.
L’auteur, excellent professionnel, détaille ici la méthode de transmission de pensée qu’il a mise au point. Il l’utilise avec succès avec sa partenaire, depuis de très nombreuses années.
Voici l’entière compilation revue et corrigée des nombreux opuscules magiques écrits entre 1979 et 1993 par T.A. Waters. Cet ouvrage regroupe les pensée magiques de l’un des plus brillants mentalistes du siècle dernier.
Experience Bob Nelson's mentalism genius in French: 119 unique effects for beginners and pros. A timeless collection for every magic enthusiast!
Mystères est la version française du mythique The Mental Mysteries of Hector Chadwick. Lors du premier tirage en langue anglaise, ce livre a fait l'effet d'une bombe ! Si vous aimez le mentalisme direct, efficace, sans matériel et intelligent, vous aimerez Hector Chadwick...
Learn everything about the secret principle of association with this masterpiece of Kenton's work. Create a real relationship with your audience by involving them actively and voluntarily!
This book presents the subtle alliance of Neuro-Linguistique Programmingand magic. Here you discover all the techniques of persuasive communication central to a magic effect.
Finally we have a booktest that's easy to learn and uncomplicated to perform. Making the presentation uncluttered, and easy for your spectator to follow.
You will find in this book no less than four different publications, unpublished in French, a true compilation of the monumental work straight out of the brilliant mind of Luke Jermay. If you like Luke Jermay, if you like his way of thinking and his ingenuity, the work contained in this book can only please you...
You get the spectator to focus on the name of someone close to them. They name a few random letters, including letters from the name. It's not written down anywhere and exists only in their mind. And you instantly tell them the name they are thinking of! No accessories!
You are a professional and you are looking for an unforgettable and original way to give your business card? Are you an amateur and looking for new effects that can be done with blank cards? This book is made for you, you will discover a selection of the twenty best routines using the "Out to Lunch" principle
Card-Shark presents the next great idea of Christoph Borer, the inventor of Get Sharky, Trick of the Year! This effect involves two books. One has the title "Everything Women know about Men", the other "Everything Men know about Women". When showing the first book, it is obvious that the ladies know everything about the men's lives. But when the other book is shown, all pages are blank, only the page numbers are there. Seemingly not that much knowledge around about women.
You already perform Paradigm Shift by Christoph Borer? Then you know how great the effect is. It gets even better when you can hand out the blank book with the single printed page as a souvenir. This Set contains 10 books "Everything Men know about Women".
À travers son livre Phénomènes, le magicien Benoît GRENIER va vous apprendre à faire frissonner le public en voyageant dans le monde spirite et paranormal.
En utilisant uniquement votre voix et sans aucun appareil spécial, pouvez-vous contrôler vos spectateurs pour qu’ils fassent les choix que vous voulez qu’ils fassent ? Bien sûr que oui ! Toutes les routines présentées ici peuvent être effectuées de manière totalement impromptue et avec n’importe quels objets. Vous avez juste besoin de votre voix et de quelques accessoires qui peuvent être empruntés !
Une toute nouvelle édition remise au gout du jour de ce Best-Seller de Benoit Campana. PNL et Magie, d’autres secrets est un ouvrage qui allie avec subtilité la Programmation -Neuro-Linguistique et la magie.
An amazing compilation of the best mentalism effects of Ted Annemann. Written as for professional magicians as for magicians at any level of expertise thanks to its step by step detail and clarity, this book will always suprise you.
Without any fishing or monkey business, find out what card your spectator is thinking of! One of the best received effects, her is P.R.R2!
Take your performances to the next level with "Psychological Subtleties 2": powerful routines, advanced psychological principles, and contributions from renowned magicians. Don’t miss the ultimate reference to enrich your craft!
If you're looking to take your mentalism to the next level, Psychological Subtleties 3 is a must-have for your collection. This book is the ultimate tool to enrich your craft and push the boundaries of your imagination.
Jack Kent Tillar continues his acclaimed series covering more than five decades in the world of mentalism. This collection includes all of his classic prediction effects for television, stage, parlor, and close-up
A perfectly romantic routine, which will delight even spectators who usually don't like mentalism!
Dans ce livre, Chris vous présente les meilleures routines de mentalisme de son répertoire. Il vous dévoile tous ses secrets, qui sont toujours simples techniquement… mais rendus redoutables par leurs ressorts psychologiques ! Surprenez votre public avec des effets dévastateurs !
In this final volume of the critically, acclaimed - Jack Kent Tillar's Collector's Series, the creator of the classic Blister effect has saved some of his most ingenious material for last!
This is the complete collection of Jack kent Tillar's telephone, fax, and email routines.
Dans ce livre vous trouverez des routines et des explications soigneusement réfléchies mais vous ferez également partie du voyage extraordinaire d’Elizabeth ! Shabarà vous apprendra comment susciter l’émerveillement de votre public !