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Videos magie

Appearing Guitars and Floating Guitar

Appearing Guitars and Floating Guitar


An absolutely astonishing appearing act where you appear two full size guitars from a suitcase. You enter the stage with a suitcase in hand. From this you are able to produce two Guitars. Easy to do.The guitars are made of wood and look like real guitars.

Then Magician enters on the stage with a attractive Guitar between his hands. A soft music is running & magician plays guitar. The music accelerates & same time the guitar going to float in the air, it moves to Left, right, down completely by magician’s control. While the music softens, Guitar slowly comes down & it is now on magician hands.

All in a handy suitcase for easy transportation.

Comes Complete with Guitar, Gimmick, and Case with DVD Instructions.
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Difficulty of level 3 for this magic's trick
 Music video instructions