Learn how to do incredible card changes without touch!
A card is inserted in the middle of the deck. Now, it's impossible to manipulate the cards.
You just put your hand in front of the card and it changes to the chosen card (as an example). You can give the card and the deck out for examination.
Clign is simple, visual and practial. Anthony teaches everything you need to know: including 7 effects, extra variations and ideas.
Clign allows you to achieve a lot of powerful effects:
Appearing card, vanishing card, color change, transposition, cigarette penetration, prediction change, trick with a borrowed smartphone, etc.
Easy to do
Visual, Simple, and Practical
Over 40 minutes of detailed instructions (English / Français)
7 powerful effects ( Print, Card to pocket, Under the cello, Photo, Cigarette through card, A-cross, Moving ink)
Variations and bonus ideas included
Endless possibilities