Imagine being able to predict the answer your audience will give to ANY QUESTION. Over and over again, with 100% accuracy. This is Fearson's Intuition System.
Fearson's Intuition System combines an exciting new principle with some very clever routining to create a diabolical and INFALLIBLE mental prediction system. Other methods to produce similar effects in mentalism can take weeks, months or even years to master. In contrast, the Intuition System is easy and even fun to learn. You'll be doing it right away, the same day you receive it!
The procedure is seemingly impromptu, using items common to a magician. Just a deck of cards and a Sharpie marker.
The plot is simple. You ask your audience to assist you by answering a question, responding with the first answer that comes to mind. For instance, "Think of a number from 1 to 5" or "Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?".
First though, you write a prediction on a playing card which remains in view the entire time.
You ask the question and they answer it. Simple as that. The playing card is turned over to reveal that what you wrote matches their answer EXACTLY!
Of course there is the possibility you could have just made a lucky guess, right?
Wrong! Here's where you blow that theory out of the water...
You do it again and again, matching their answer each and every time without exception. After you get the second one right the suspense REALLY starts to build. After half a dozen or so your spectator has a serious mystery to contemplate!
The questions are presented in an entertaining and engaging fashion so rather than being a tedious procedure, it is thoroughly enjoyable from begining to end. You will have a lot of fun with this system. It easily lends itself to a game show, pop trivia or compatibility test presentation. The questions can be funny, suggestive or intriguing. It's up to you!
This is clean, pure mentalism at it's best.
Surefire, 100% accurate, 100% of the time!
No additional props, seen or unseen are used.
No difficult thumb or nail writing.
No equivoque, no fishing.
No double lifts, second deals or any such card work required.
Looks impromptu, uses a Sharpie marker and a deck of cards.
Automatically resets, perform it again immediately!
Absolutley no suspicious or unusual props, pads, billets, impression devices or the like.
You can do this with nothing more in your hands than a Sharpie and a playing card!
Steve Fearson is known for thinking WAY out of the box and this is a perfect example. No "one ahead" principle or any existing methods are used. This really is a fresh approach. (If you happen to perform this for a magician, you'll absolutely slay them.)
The following presentations are explored:
MINDREADING - The spectator think of a number, shape or esp symbol. You draw something on a card and then reveal that you've matched their thoughts exactly!
INTUITION - You write their answer before even asking them the question. You know what they will think of even before they do! And you prove your intuitive powers by doing it again and again, and again!
SPECTATOR ESP - Make the spectator into the mindreader. You write on the card and like an ESP test, the spectator is asked to guess what you've written. And they get it right every time!
COMPATIBILITY TEST - This can make a HUGE impression on someone. Specifically a member of the opposite sex. This is presented as a casual compatibility test rather than a mental feat. A series of fun questions is asked. There are no right or wrong answers, only personal preference. For instance, "Rock music or classical?", "Boxers or briefs?", "Starsky or Hutch?" Amazingly, you both give the same answer to every question! Proof that you are undeniably compatible. This is STRONG stuff!
QUESTION DECK - You ask your spectator a series of questions. Some are very serious. You reveal that you were able to predict answer after answer EXACTLY. Proving you are either an incredible judge of character or PSYCHIC!
BONUS ROUTINE - Ask someone to think of a number between 1 and 50. Yes, we said 50. And you NAIL it! This is a great update to a classic effect made possible with the Intuition System.
Includes the Intuition System Sharpie, gimmicks and online instructional video.