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Videos magie

Svengali deck Bicycle

Svengali deck Bicycle
Svengali deck Bicycle


Easy To DO!

No Sleight Of Hand Required!

An amazing deck of Bicycle cards that allows you to do a multitude of miracles - yet is EASY TO DO.



  • immediately knowing what card a spectator selects
  • compelling the spectator to cut to their own selection under the fairest conditions
  • instantly changing the whole deck to the selected card

And many, many other uses!

Includes thorough, illustrated instructions by World Champion Magician - DARYL giving you all the details!


  • Svengali Bicycle quality
  • Easy to do
  • Red or blue tarot cards
  • Poker format: 6.3 x 8.8 cm
  • USPCC manufacture
  • Professional quality
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Difficulty of level 2 for this magic's trick
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 Video instructions in French  Video instructions in English