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Choco Choco ( Tora Magic)

Choco Choco
Choco Choco
Choco Choco


The Tora Magic Company has specialized in performing, designing, and manu-facturing the finest in magical effects.Our reputation for quality has earned us the respect of magicians and magic companies around the world. After long experience as a performer in search of quality material, Hossein Aminipour founded the Tora Magic Company, giving it his performing name,"Tora". The ToraMagic Company has combined his years of design and manufacturing experience with the skills of other expert performers and builders to produce the high-est quality magic. This expertise shows in stunningly beautiful props and astounding magical effects!

Members of the Tora Magic Company team travel to many of the world's magicconventions to insure that they integrate the latest in magical methods and per-formance styles. From improved classic effects to cutting edge illusions, ToraMagic provides busy professionals with superb magic. Today, the Tora MagicCompany proudly sees our products filling the stages of magicians across theglobe, delighting audiences everywhere!We also maintain full production capabilities to help design and produce the original creations of our customers.Please contact us for the best in design, materials, manufacturing, packing, andshipping of your magical inventions. We are also proud to provide continuingexpert customer service.

“Produced and Designed by Tora Magic Company”

Here in Tora magic we build magic item for you with love ; we wanted to create sweet times for you so we made Choco choco for YOU! Choco choco is a fully automatic item that can be filled with chocolates in less than a second . you can appear yummy chocolates or make them vanished whenever you want ! OR you can even transfer chocolates ( if you have 2 of these !) very easy and quick to learn ; and suited to be played as close up magic ; zoom performs ; TV shows ; kids magic and stage …or anywhere you want to play this trick ! Choco Choco is presented by Tora magic and made by quality materials to make this item durable for you ; if you love Chocolates or magic or both ; this is a must have

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Difficulty of level 2 for this magic's trick
 Video instructions in English
74.5 €63.3 Profit 15 %