Ultra Gravity Box ( Tenyo)
Get ready for laughs of surprise, when your spectator is unable to lift a transparent card box off the table. As the magician, you are easily able to lift the box, but when it’s their turn – fahgettaboudit! You can also use this box to store your ordinary deck of cards.

Undernail Writer
These gimmicks are the most powerful tools a magician or mentalist can use. It's really very difficult to believe that with such a little and inexpensive gimmick, you can produce the quality and the quantity of effects that look like real miracles.

Vampire Escape
Dracula is blocked inside his coffin by a little stake. Nobody can free him from this position. Only the magician, thanks to his powers, will easily free Dracula without removing the stake!

Vanishing Lighter
The magician uses a lighter to light something (a cigarette, a candle, flash paper…). He then puts it in his left fist and blows. When he opens his hand, the lighter will have completely vanished!

Vapor Prediction ( TCC)
It is a real-life visual astonishment that will leave your audience with a unique experience! The design of the gimmick is identical to the genuine one, making it difficult to tell the difference between the two with the naked eye!

Vapr Refills (10 units) (Will Tsai)
Refills for Vapr. Includes 10 Vapr smoke cartridges (80-100 puffs per cartridge).

Vertigo (Rick Lax)
On the edge of reason. On the edge of logic. There is Vertigo. Vertigo is a mind-bending, logic-warping demonstration of skill. You remove the cards from the box. You show the box empty. Delicately, you set the box on the edge of the deck.

Vitrine (Alexis Touchard)
A magical keychain where the impossible becomes reality: a signed card appears locked inside right before the spectator's eyes.

Voodoo Prediction ( JL)
Imagine predicting exactly where a spectator will choose to have voodoo pins stuck on a toy figure. That's EXACTLY what you'll be able to do!

Vortex (Mickaël Chatelain)
Turn the ordinary into extraordinary with VORTEX: stunning magic, fully examinable and easy to perform, guaranteed to amaze any audience!

Waken (Bond Lee)
Imagine finding your spectator's signed card through the power of the shadow! This stand-alone deck allows for endless possibilities of effects.

Wallet Weapon (Lloyd Barnes)
The Wallet Weapon is a powerful, unique and dynamic utility device that you'll carry with you at all times. Specifically designed to be built in to your wallet with materials you almost certainly have at home right now. Switch playing cards, banknotes, predictions and even perform visual changes that leave you totally clean.

Water Works (Paul Harris)
An astonishing new method for the easiest, most powerful anti-gravity water effect...Ever. The good news is; You never have to hide anything in your hands! Plus there are no chemicals or sticky stuff involved. Your spectator can even take a sip of water from the bottle during the performance! Your hands are 100% clean... At ALL times!

Wild Dice (Mark Leveridge)
What starts as a typical 3 shell game with a dice and 3 matchboxes, turns into a mindboggling magic routine, that culminates in three complete final loads (3 sets of white, red and green dice).

Winner's Dice (Secret Factory)
Winner's Dice is a normal-looking die that can force ANY NUMBER between 1 to 6.

Wishbone (Paul Harris)
An impossible souvenir with two wood coffee stirrers. They can even be signed! Snap off two ends, put them in her hand. The two initialed pieces impossibly melt into a single seamless "wishbone"...which she can keep forever and ever. Be a Star at Starbucks...or wherever you hang out for coffee.

Wonder Box
A small metal box is completely open to only a frame, and shown to be totally empty. The box is closed up and lots of silks, streamers, ribbons, etc. are produced from it! A perfect illusion that will leave everybody speechless.

Wooden Cups and Balls (with 4 balls)
An almost complete lesson on the art of magic in one trick. It is one of the most beautiful effects of prestidigitation. The goblet trick is defined as a great classic. Wooden cup of very beautiful manufacture.

Wow Ink (Victor Voitko)
An unbelievable amount of effects with this one trick. This pen will add rare abilities to your everyday magic routine.

X-Change (Julio Montoro)
Are you ready to amaze? If you have the ability to turn 'permanent inked drawings' to real life object, what will you do? Julio Montoro from Spain, has come up with an amazingly commercial way to materialize or visually change sharpie drawings on a spectator's single, signed, card; the magic happens right underneath their signature!

YaYa (Jesse Feinerg)
Jesse has transformed a simple house-hold item into the world's teeniest invisible hold-out. And it just happens to work really really well with your normal Sharpie cap!