Mickey Mouse & Friends Baby Playing Cards
This deck commemorates "Mickey Mouse and Friends" as babies -- the main Disney characters who generate excitement! This sophisticated design uses colors that remind you of Disney.
Mickey Mouse Friends Playing Cards
This deck commemorates "Mickey Mouse and Friends" -- the main Disney characters who generate excitement!
Midnight Moonshine Deck
The clock strikes midnight, doors are bolted... let the real night begin. Midnight Moonshines are the elusive follow up to the outstanding best selling deck of custom cards The Moonshines. The originals encapsulated the feel of the 1920's speakeasy bars through the prohibition era. Now, the Midnight Moonshines take a peek behind closed doors, when the bars would lock up and the real parties would begin.
Midnights - Luxury Playing Cards Changing Lives
Making magic, changing lives. At the stroke of midnight, a new day begins and for those attending the award-winning magic programmes of Breathe Arts Health Research, it makes the beginning of a literally life-changing experience.
Milk Magazine
Thanks to this gimmick, you will be able to shed liquid in a magazine. Okay, that is not exceptional...However, the liquid stay in the Magazine and you will be albe to flow the liquid anywhere and when you want. The magazine is ready to use.
Milk Tex (Fake Milk)
Ce fabuleux produit va vous permettre de réaliser de véritables miracles ! Vous allez avoir le pouvoir formidable de transformer l’eau, non pas en vin, mais en lait ! Egalement idéal pour l’utiliser dans tous vos tours avec des liquides car le lait est plus visuel que l’eau…
Mind deck (Vincenzo Di Fatta)
The magician shows a deck of playing cards and asks a spectator to select one. The card is casually placed back in the deck which is then shuffled. The cards are then fanned towards another spectator who is asked to free his mind, concentrate, and to try and read the mind of the first spectator and guess the chosen card. Unexplainably, just like a real “Psychic”, the second spectator will manage to correctly name the selected card!
Mindset Playing Cards Blue (Marked) (Anthony Stan)
Follow your dreams! The Mindset deck is on the theme of mindset. Its inspirational quotes will give you a dose of motivation at your fingertips. The cards have an ingenious marking system that let you read the identity of the card simply by looking at the design. Limited edition.
Mini Agenda Playing Cards (White)
Mini Agenda Playing Cards is the outcome of Flagrant Agenda's unceasing endeavor to explore alternative means of expressing our ideas.
Mini card box
A deluxe polished wood box that you will be proud to work with.Make a folded card appear or disappear.
Mini Chinese Linking Rings (14 cm)
Four rings are chained and freed right in front of the spectators' eyes. Diameter : 14 cm (5,5").
Mini Invisible Thread Reel
If you are working with invisible wire, this ITR will make it easy to work on the wire. Moreover, with its open system, it will be even easier to change the wire.
Mini Invisible Thread Reel (ITR)
With this accessory you will be able to make any small object flying: bill, cigarette, ring… Perform impromptu levitations in close-up. You can even use it on stage.
Mini Magic Coloring Book
Le livre magique est un grand classique procurant un effet extraordinaire auprès des enfants. Dans cette version, des clowns et des magiciens s'impriment en noir et blanc... puis en couleur, dans les pages de ce livre qui sont à la base toutes blanches.
Mini Rectangular Magnet (5 x 4 x 1,6 mm)
Du point de vue technologique, ces aimants sont les plus puissants que le marché puisse offrir. Dissimulable dans une carte. Dimensions : 5 x 5 x 1 mm.
Mini Round Magnet (5 x 2 mm)
Petit mais costaud : cet aimant ne mesure que 5 mm de diamètre et 2 mm d'épaisseur ce qui lui donne entre autre la particularité de pouvoir être glissé dans une cigarette.
Mini Zombie Ball ( Vernet)
Faites léviter une boule dans les airs. Placez-la sous un tissu, elle va s'élever puis se mettre à flotter dans les airs…
Minimize (Chiam Yu Sheng)
If you are looking for a powerful and visual effect, MINIMIZE is for you. Imagine, making a torn corner of a signed card disappear, then selecting a torn corner from another performance, and turning it into the corner corresponding to the signed card.
MINT (Volume 1) (Edward Marlo)
This book covers 53 of Marlo's contributions to the magazine New Top. It has a huge range of ideas, techniques, moves, visual sleights and complete tricks! Illustrated with over 300 detailed drawings!
MINT (Volume 2) (Edward Marlo)
A book that collects Marlo's submissions between 1968 and 1979, a total of 49 powerful masterpieces! A diverse and exciting range of tricks, sleights and subtleties, which have become staples of the magician's arsenal.
Miracle Bill case Doble
Simply show the empty box and place in a blank paper that is cut the size of a dollar bill, then close the box. When the box is opened again, the paper will turn into a real bill such as $50. If close again, the $50 turns into $100 when opened. Amazing!
Miracle card case - Bridge Size
Cette petite boite de la taille d’une carte au format Bridge vous permettra de faire des changes mais aussi de nombreux effets comme la carte déchirée et reconstituée.
Miracle Signed Bill In A Borrowed Cigar (Robert Olson)
The performer borrows a bill of any denomination and has it signed. The bill instantly vanishes from your fingertips. A cigar is borrowed and ripped in half. A bill is taken out and unrolled, revealing their signed bill.