Jeu Flesh and Bones
Dans ce jeu produit par DeckStarter, et dessiné par Dual Originals, différentes mythologies se mélangent pour donner le Jeu Flesh and Bones. Nombre d'exemplaires limités à 2000.
Dans ce jeu produit par DeckStarter, et dessiné par Dual Originals, différentes mythologies se mélangent pour donner le Jeu Flesh and Bones. Nombre d'exemplaires limités à 2000.
Everything inside the Original BlackCat deck is personalized. ORIGINAL BLACKCAT will have a limited production, only 1000 decks will be printed for this Kickstarter campaign. Each deck will have a numbered seal.
Ce jeu de cartes semblable au jeu Grimaud "classique" vous permettra de réaliser des tours époustouflants avec un minimum d'entrainement.
A signed coin vanishes before it appears in a bag, trapped in a box closed with rubber bands. This box is in another box also closed with rubber bands.
A signed coin vanishes before it appears in a bag, trapped in a box closed with rubber bands. This box is in another box also closed with rubber bands.
Cartes haut de gamme produites en collaboration avec The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Depuis 1954, The Tonight Show est un incontournable de la télévision américaine.
JLB Deck V2 is a branded game with exclusive content, a dedicated mobile app and magical tutorials! A beautifully designed game with enhanced smoothness and durability + NFC technology. Silver Edition.
Here is a poster from the 90s that will complete your collection or simply adorn one of the walls of your magical sanctuary or any other magical place. Dimensions: 43.5 x 28 cm.
Here is a poster from the 90s that will complete your collection or simply adorn one of the walls of your magical sanctuary or any other magical place. Dimensions: 43.5 x 28 cm.
Whether you were already well-versed in Tamariz's work, or this is your introduction to magic's "Maestro", "The Juan Tamariz Sessions" are a must-watch for any serious magician. This is about as close as you can get to a private lesson with Juan Tamariz.
3 rainbow juggling balls for adults.Professionnal quality.Sold by 3.Diameter : 65 mm (2.6")
Les foulards de jonglage sont idéals pour apprendre le jonglage car ils ont une texture très légère, ils tombent donc lentement ce qui vous laisse le temps de les attraper et de comprendre les mouvements effectués …
JUIC'D is an extraordinary deck that will suit to professionals, collectors and casual gamers too! Limited Edition.
This jumbo deck is specially printed as an enlarged version of the Chicken Nugget Playing Cards. Horret also shows off some of his great moves with the Jumbo Chicken Nugget Deck in the trailer.
A soft and durable, double layered close-up mat.Does not slip. Does not tear. Lasts a lifetime.Available in four colours.
This is a playing cards deck of the collection Over The Hill.effective for magic, it is very useful for elderly people, or people with bad sight...
Voici un gag hilarant avec lequel vous allez surprendre votre entourage ! Amateur de sensations fortes s'abstenir !
Here's the slap hat worthy of the greatest magicians, ideal for productions. Junior size: 54 cm head circumference and 16 cm height.
Un accessoire très simple et prisé par tout les magiciens, vous permettant facilement d’émerveiller petits et grands.Dimension : 4,8 cm de long pour environ 2 cm de diamètre.(Modèle Junior rigide)
First a funny gag then… amazing magic! A mentalism effect very visual and easy to do !
700 decks only. Justice incorporates ethical concepts of rectitude and virtue in a deck of playing cards aimed at players, magicians and cardists.
Original 1916 brochres purchased in the late 1980s at a gathering of magic collectors in New England. Very well known and highly collectable. Very rare.
Montrez vos talents de samouraï, empruntez une pièce de 1/2 dollar et transpercez-la avec votre doigt. Bien sur la pièce ainsi transpercée est examinable.