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Article de magie en promotion

Our articles of magic in promotion

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At anytime during his show, the magician begins to produce flowers from his fingertips, pouring from his fingers faster and faster! Wonderful Production!

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick
16 €8

You arrive on stage and all of a sudden you've got a cane in your hand that seems to appear out of nowhere! A classic piece of stage magic that never goes out of fashion!

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
198.5 €99.25

The artists at Club Tattoo, one of the most famous tattoo and body piercing studios in the world, designed the original art on every card in this colorful deck.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
19.5 €9.75

Very elegant black cards with bluish and light blue tones that immediately recall frost. A beautiful deck, that should slip, smooth as ice into your collection!

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
19.5 €9.75

SansMinds Magic brings you an incredibly visual effects that you can do with your everyday cap! A modern tool for classic magic. Check it out for yourself!

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
36 €18

Change water to wine with the Chameleon Champagne effect! Simply cover the special water-filled champagne glass with a handkerchief, and the water transforms into red wine. Heavy drinkers at home? Cover it a second time, and the wine changes to amber-colored whiskey.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
19.5 €9.75

COIN DUMPER is the perfect accessory for anyone interested in coin magic and those who perform the Miser’s Dream. When in place under the magician's coat, the coin dumper delivers a stack of coins (half dollar size) secretly, swiftly and silently into the magician's hand.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
16.5 €8.25

Here's a great penetration effect and easy to do, using a Glass and some completely normal Coins! It's a super-visual miracle! It doesn't require any special handling! Ideal for beginners!

tour de magie en promotion
flash offer for this article of magic
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration This magic's trick sold in a set : Coin Thru Glass
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
7.5 €2.25

Three balls magically interact with three cups jumping from cup to cup, vanishing or appearing mysteriously. At the end of the routine under the cup will appear an object bigger than the balls and the audience will go mad!

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 3 for magic's trick
25 €12.5

( Pavel)

The magician shows the audience a small transparent Plexiglas tube and proceeds to push, one at a time three silks of different colors inside it. He then makes a magical gesture over the tube, brings one end of the tube to his mouth and blows into it. Incredibly the three silks fly out of the other side magically tied together.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
14.5 €7.25

(Cristian Ciccone)

A brilliant double effect that will leave the spectators speechless! A very visual effect that will match the backs of the spectators' cards with the backs of the magician, and that will be reinforced with the value of the cards written on the spectators' cards.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
18 €9

The magician shows three cards, two king of spades and a queen of hearts, and turn them face down. Then, while the magician shuffles the cards, he invites the spectators to follow the moves of the queen. One spectator selects a card, but it will choose the wrong one. Nobody will be able to find the right one ! So funny !

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
38 €19

Voici un tour de mentalisme incroyablement efficace et visuel avec des cartes géantes, idéales pour la scène.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
26 €13

The reel is a classic magician's gimmick with permits. Palm in your hand, to vanish the silk, coin, or something, even a deck of cards.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
14 €7

Excellent products for the professional magician. They are more realistic than foam or sponge products, and can be used inches away from the spectator.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
19.5 €9.75

Amazing imitation of a real orange with the exact same texture and colour. More than 3 feet away you can't tell it is not a real orange.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
16.5 €8.25

(Bruno Copin)

L'Effet Papillon donne l'illusion qu'une force mystérieuse voyage dans l'espace depuis la main du magicien jusque dans celle du spectateur. Une carte se retourne seule dans la main du spectateur, puis se met à tourner sur elle-même. L'effet le plus recherché parmi les idées de Bruno !

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 4 for magic's trick
25 €12.5

Voici la raquette et le stylo spécial de remplacement pour la routine de "Turbo stick". Gimmicks vendus seuls sans notice ni DVD.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
No difficulty for this magic's trick
7.5 €3.75

( Ryota)

The balloon which is blown up with a mouth begins to float in the air as falling under a spell. After it's wandering in the air for a while, it goes back to normal instantly when a spell is lifted. In order to realize this kind of effect, you have to secretly switch from a normal balloon to a helium balloon, But "Wonder FB" can do it easily.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
56 €28

Probably one of the purest effects in magic: the spectator, after several choices, names just ONE card. Of course, the card was predicted by the magician beforehand!

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
magic's trick in video demonstration
Difficulty of level 4 for magic's trick
2.5 €1.25

Les grands parents, Oncle, Tante et cousin ne sont pas toujours ce qu’ils paraissent. Prenez contact avec l’au-delà et découvrez cette sinistre série digne de la famille Adams. Cette nouvelle série de portraits est livré maintenant avec un cadre magnifique. Vous n'aurez plus qu'à l'accrocher sur votre mur préféré.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
8.5 €4.25

Les grands parents, Oncle, Tante et cousin ne sont pas toujours ce qu’ils paraissent. Prenez contact avec l’au-delà et découvrez cette sinistre série digne de la famille Adams. Cette nouvelle série de portraits est livré maintenant avec un cadre magnifique. Vous n'aurez plus qu'à l'accrocher sur votre mur préféré.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
No difficulty for this magic's trick
8.5 €4.25

Une torche enflammée disparait pour laisser place à une grande canne. Un capuchon spécial vous permettra de conserver le combustible longtemps et d'allumer la torche de manière automatique lorsque vous le retirerez. Vente Interdite aux mineurs. Vendu sans canne.

tour de magie en promotion
magic's trick
Available Magic's trick
This magic's trick sold in a set : Torche pour canne avec allumeur
Difficulty of level 2 for magic's trick
35 €17.5

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