DVD The World Renowned Magic of Paul Potassy (Paul Potassy)

Découvrez ce superbe coffret de 3 DVD entièrement consacré à Paul Potassy, le « Maurice Chevalier de la magie ».
Découvrez ce superbe coffret de 3 DVD entièrement consacré à Paul Potassy, le « Maurice Chevalier de la magie ».
You have a deck and a prediction. Ask the spectator to think of a number between 1-52. Once a number has been chosen, you instruct the spectator to pick up the deck, and deal down to that number. You then instruct her to lift up the prediction which has been on the table the entire time. THE CARD AND PREDICTION MATCH.... EVERY TIME!
Voici enfin le DVD Tivoliland 2.Arthur Tivoli nous livre quelques routines à réaliser au restaurant.
From the mind of Daniel Garcia comes a torn and restored card routine that will make you smile. You give the deck a couple of tiny shakes to position the CHUNK into place. As you wipe your thumb over the tear, the card is VISUALLY restored.
Tony Chris invites you to join him for nearly two hours of instructional entertainment. These are quirky effects requiring limited sleight of hand and designed to create great impact while leaving a lasting impression.
This project represents 15 years of research, thought, experimentation and practice into one of the greatest card effects for the modern conjuror. Building on the work of Fred Robinson, Eric Mason, Ken Krenzel and Richard Kaufman, Richard Sanders has redefined the classic rising card effect and transformed it into a true anytime, anywhere miracle with a deck of cards.
Vectra Super Strong Invisible Line enables you to do things that simply can not be done with any other thread. This video will show you exactly what makes Vectra Line so special. You will see the amazing FULL DECK LEVITATION, the demonstration that helped popularize the Vectra Line is explained in depth.
Rick Smith Jr. is THE card throwing champion for speed, distance and accuracy. Not only that, he is a WORLD RECORD HOLDER for throwing a playing card 216 feet and 4 inches at a top speed of 92 miles per hour. Now, he's ready to give you the secrets to the most effective techniques in card throwing-- transforming you into a card-throwing ninja in minutes.
Après les deux Best Sellers 'David Stone : The real Secrets of Magic" et le succés de Nestor Hato, voici une magie encore plus fascinante...voici Yannick Chretien.
In this two DVD Set, Juan Esteban Varela teaches us not just tricks but also the THEORY and PRINCIPLES behind them, so you will be able to design your own effects. You'll be always ready to perform miracles on Stage, Parlor, and or Close-Up. B Two hours of POWERFUL MAGIC with ZERO ELEMENTS. 100% audience tested. FEEL THE POWER TO PERFORM REAL MAGIC
A pile of coins invisibly jumps from one brass lid to another. It then penetrates through the lid, as well as disappears completely !
World's first modular wallet, the E-Wallet is a magic wallet....and so much more!
Grant the power of Extra Sensory Perception to anyone. This combination of methods allows the spectator to correctly guess the position of any symbol. No procedure, nor mental gymnastics, no memorization needed
In this box set, Jonathan Royle reveals all the main secrets of his unique approaches to mentalism, cold reading and hypnosis. The Holy Grail of Mentalism.
Here is finally a quality E.S.P JUMBO game that has the very useful feature of being marked. It will allow you to perform incredible mentalism routines!
E.S.P.O. is the perfect routine to open your virtual and/or live shows! You will be able to guess which ESP symbol out of 5 the spectator has chosen. But the beauty of this routine is that it is fully customizable, instead of E.S.P. symbols you can use words, drawings, emoticons, company products and much more!
Change a bill into ANYTHING...at the speed of light. E=MC² is the ultimate bill transfiguration gimmick that can be used for: Transpositions, Vanishes, Changes
E.A.C, a pack exclusively designed to support Cloud 9 System, consists of four different types of switches working on different methods. You can strategically equipped one of the four switches according to your performing environment, making your routine smoother and more miraculous.
A classic of classic's, Tom Burgoon's Power Pickpocket has been a powerful piece in the arsenal of many stage performers over the past few decades. With Tom's blessing, Spencer Kennard now brings you the next iteration in this solid piece of visual magic - with EASY MONEY.
Getting endless money out of thin air is people's imagination of magic ability since ancient times!
Getting endless money out of thin air is people's imagination of magic ability since ancient times!
Purpose-built to make every moment crystal clear and engaging, Echo draws amazing responses from the onstage participant, and then from the crowd.
Every mentalist needs ESP cards in their toolkit and now you can own one of the greatest ESP decks ever devised. Eclipse is a secretly marked deck of 25 ESP cards (+ gaffs) meaning that YOU know which card your spectator is holding at any time by secretly glimpsing the marks on the back. But these marks are like NO other.
The ECLIPSE - 'originals.' are premium, custom playing cards that catch the eye without drawing too much attention. They are the result of months of dedication, design, and testing to ensure a quality, polished product.
The opaque black Eco-Box is identical in appearance to a small department store jewelry box and puts the punchline at the end of the routine leaving the spectators to wonder how the card teleported into the box, instead of watching for a clever switch. The Eco-Box is designed as the ultimate tool for working close-up or strolling magicians and mentalists.