DVD Close up (Vol.2) ( Zeki)

By DVD, you will learn not only diverse close-up techniques, visual effects, and tricks which you can use your close-up magic but also making gimmick.
By DVD, you will learn not only diverse close-up techniques, visual effects, and tricks which you can use your close-up magic but also making gimmick.
Eric Chien has been impressing top coin workers around the world with his performances of incredible sleight-of-hand magic. Some are saying he has created the best vanish in the world of a single coin.
In his first and highly anticipated DVD contribution to magic, magician and creator Homer Liwag (Creative Team / David Copperfield) presents his extremely visual coins across routine - CoinOne.
DVD de Jean-Pierre Vallarino regroupant 20 techniques de contrôles de cartes différentes pour les amateurs et les débutants.
The corner of a card is torn off and replaced with a corner from a different card! It is then handed to the spectator to examine!
Step into De'vo's world to experience and learn visual card manipulation like never before!
The Daniel Garcia Projects became a must-have for a new generation of magicians as well as seasoned professionals. Now, with the help of Paul Harris and the Buck Twins, Garcia has signed off on the final chapters of his new set. Chapter 5
Daryl has extensively researched literally hundreds os magic books, magazines and lectures notes to seek out and bring you the finest card revelations available. Here he presents 23 of the very best.
Deflect is portable, self-contained on the case and doesn't affect your everyday card use. The performer draws something on cellophane of the playing card case. And before the spectators' eyes the writing changes.
Imagine borrowing a phone and recording a video of a bill with a unique serial number. All details are replicated digitally inside of a borrowed device. Now imagine for a split second, you force the door of the digital world to open, and you pull the bill into your own hand.
We begin with amazing ideas and applications of the James George Invisible Thread Reel, which includes marvelously deceptive methods of passing a solid hoop over and around floating objects that are marvelously deceptive.
This is an omnibus collection DVD featuring MO and Ryu-ka who are Japan's leading young magicians. It includes selected 5 card tricks and 5 coin tricks. These will surprise magicians all over the world.
On this broadcast quality DVD you will learn the all new, SUPER QUICK SET-UP that allows you to install the SPECIALLY MADE CUSTOM GIMMICKS (included within). The applications for 'Encased' are quite literally limitless.
In this new DVD, Gérard Bakner teaches you thirteen tricks in the field of esotericism using rune stones, tarot cards, diaries…
In 1994, Adrian Guerra (Ramblar) the mnemonica expert won the first prize in Card Magic at FISM in Yokohama. Since that time he became the most successful professional magician in South America. With these two acts he performs in the most exclusive places and corporate shows. He made his reputation and his living with these wonderful routines. For over 20 years he has long kept the secrets of his acts, effects and techniques closely guarded until today. Now you have access to all the details of these two professional strong card acts.
Un tour vraiment hallucinant signé Mickaël Chatelain. Une carte choisie puis perdue dans un paquet de cartes va se retrouver coincée entre l’étui et le cellophane qui l’entoure !
Tom’s act is so magical and so unique, it has never been duplicated. All of us at one time at another have uttered the now-familiar refrain : Where in the heck did those cigarettes go? And we were fooled over and over again.
More Cigarette Magic Tom’s act is so magical and so unique, it has never been duplicated. All of us at one time at another have uttered the now-familiar refrain : Where in the heck did those cigarettes go? And we were fooled over and over again.
Nicotine Nincompoop Tom’s act is so magical and so unique, it has never been duplicated. All of us at one time at another have uttered the now-familiar refrain : Where in the heck did those cigarettes go? And we were fooled over and over again.
Building upon the basics popularized by Michael Ammar and Patrick Page, Carl Cloutier has taken the Topit and turned it into an art form.
Place a paper bag over your head and the fun begins. First you jab an umbrella straight into your right ear and out the other side. Next you do the same with your left ear. Then you jab an umbrella straight up your nose and out the back of your head...
And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch’s Extreme CARD Magic - Card magic... with the emphasis on MAGIC!
And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch’s Extreme CARD Magic - Card magic... with the emphasis on MAGIC!
32 Tricks with the funniest multi-effect decks of cards! Includes instruction for both "Fast 'N' Genious Deck" and "Fake 'N' Genious Deck"
Three coins VISUALLY and AUDIBLY penetrate a clear drinking glass. This is the best Coin Through Glass routine on the market - PERIOD.