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Horizon (Matthew Wright)

Horizon - matthew wright


Matthew Wright has devised a new, revolutionary thread system that allows you to effortlessly animate a small object form one hand to another with almost no movement. No other thread system can accomplish what Horizon can achieve: Make a selected and signed card eject from the pack and slowly levitate to the other hand. A playing card box floats straight up to your hand with very little motion from the hands. Show a dollar bill jumping out of your wallet, dancing across the table and leaping into your hand. Rotate and balance a playing card on its corner, right in your palm. Floating objects like a signed card from within a deck of cards, or a dollar bill from within a wallet has not been possible until now. Horizon will have you performing gravity defying suspensions and animations of dollar bills, playing cards, match books, card boxes, business cards, credit cards and more that works for close up, stage or parlor performing. The DVD and gimmicks included provide everything you need to start immediately.
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Difficulty of level 4 for this magic's trick