His thirteenth (and possibly best) book on magic, looks back on his more than 70 years of experience with the conjuring arts and considers some of its most enduring mysteries, intriguing questions and fascinating personalities.From legendary effects such as Robert-Houdin's Light & Heavy Chest and the Indian Rope Trick to the origins of dove magic, ventriloquism and automata, Extending Magic Beyond Credibility has the famous Booth blend of secrets, biography, philosophy and romantic history.Whether you're a student of magic history or simply one fascinated with the art and its many facets, you'll find Extending Magic Beyond Credibility is more than just a book of magic history.It's a captivating read you'll find difficult to put down, written by a man who not only knows his subject... but who lived it as well.Contents:
- WAKE UP MAGIC! 1 Magic that jolts audiences: Richiardi Jr2 Kevin James: Master of shock magic3 Todd Robbins: The sideshow world4 Silveser the Jester: The Self-mayhem principle
- HARRY HOUDINI AND MAX MALINI 5 Revelations about "Houdini's Hollywood Estate"6 Malini and his violin
- FOUR BRIEF PIECES TO PONDER OR ENJOY 7 Aloha: final tribute to Dai Vernon8 Do morality or ideology affect art in magic?9 That FATAL signet ring: a short short story10 Book reviews
- BRILLIANT MAGIC WITH BEAUTIFUL BIRDS 11 centuries of developùent unfolded12 Thurston: a truly great magician13 Magic's most famous waltz: the zenda14 Memorable music for master magicians
- AVERTING CATASTROPHE: MAGIC AND POLITICS 15 The legendary Rober Houdini light and heavy chest examined
- FASCINATING OPPORTUNITIES IN VENTRILOQUISM 16 Ventriloquial stunts: from pactolus to today17 The illusion of voice throwing18 Dolls that smoke: bodiless heads that talk19 New era ventriloquism: the hamills
- THE PUPPET BRANCH OF WIZARDRY 20 Puppetry accross the spectrum21 The duck that made John Salisse famous22 His left hand is his fortune
- AUTOMATA 23 Machines that "think" and perform like humans and birds
- THE GREAT INDIAN ROPE TRICK 24 When, where and how the reports began25 My experiences in India and Tibet searching for a rope miracle26 Illusionists who have attempted to do it27 The last word: myth or reality?