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Encyclopédie des forçages de cartes impromptus (Lewis Jones)

Encyclopédie des forçages de cartes impromptus - lewis jones


In this monumental work, the famous British cartoonist Lewis Jones reviews with precision all the possible and imaginable impromptu forcings, with or without skill.

It includes the great classics and their main variants, but also many nuggets that the author has unearthed from the depths of his personal collections.

In total, more than 500 impromptu forcings are explained in great detail, accompanied by numerous tips and 120 photos.

The author has had the extreme intelligence not to limit himself to the techniques alone, but to add countless effects. So you will always know how to best exploit this or that forcing... and you will discover many new effects, impossible without the use of a forcing.

An index added at the end of the book refers to the creators mentioned in the text: from Annemann to Vernon, not forgetting Avis, Christ, Marlo or Sankey, more than 70 first-rate cartomancers are listed here in their most advanced and astute creations.

The translation is by Philippe Billot, one of the most erudite French magicians. He has completed the text with numerous annotations that further enrich the original text. A must-have book, immensely rich, packed with often unpublished ideas that will make your routines even more magical.


    Translation by Philippe Billot

    More than 500 impromptu forcings accompanied by 120 photos

    More than 70 first-rate cartomancers can be found in the book

Book in French

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