BurnOUT (Victor Voitko)
When it comes to making a lasting impression no device or action is more memorable than FIRE! For example handing out your business card that moments before was on fire!

Butterfly Playing Cards (Royal Purple Edition) (Ondrej Psenicka)
With the Purple edition of the Butterfly, you'll find hidden, clever markings that will allow you to perform incredibly powerful effects!

Butterfly Playing Cards Marked - Refill (Ondrej Psenicka)
The Refill Butterfly Cards have a plain tuck with no special effects and contains a gaff card. The cards themselves are identical to the original 2nd edition decks.

Butterfly Playing Cards Marked (Red) 2nd Edition (Ondrej Psenicka)
"The Butterfly deck will enable you to perform miracles not possible with any other deck. A true innovation in card magic."- Richard Kaufman (chief editor of Genii Magazine - the largest selling magic magazine in the world)

Cabalistie Horoscopique (Dominique Duvivier)
A book, cards, about fifteen signs of Horoscopic Cabalistie. This is not a booktest. It is a chosen card trick unlike any other where the book is the magician.

Cadenas à Prédiction (Petit modèle)
A borrowed ring is locked on a 4 digit combination brass lock and, the dials are mixed. Spectator thinks of any 4 digit number dials them on the lock. This proves to be the secret numbers that opens the lock!

Cairo Casino Playing Cards
Cairo Casino is a fictional poker-sized Casino themed deck inspired by an Egyptian Theme & Classic Casino Decks like the Wynn Deck with jumbo indices that reads well on a poker table.

Cakes and Adders (Ricky McLeod)
A Professional 5 minute routine that will both entertain and astound your family audience.

Calendar Presage (Paul Romhany)
IMAGINE being able to perform at least SIX DIFFERENT routines from one pocket calendar. A years worth of miracles in your pocket. LOTTERY PREDICTION PREDICT PLAYING CARD FOR ANY GIVEN DATE PROVERB PREDICTION FORTUNE COOKIE ROUTINE SCRATCH & WIN PREDICTION

Camouflage (Jay Sankey)
Camouflage features a diabolical, secret gimmick that allows you to perform impossible penetrations, revelations, fusions, and even a levitation.

Can brass
Amazing ! You will be able to make appear from the inside of that tube a lot of colorfull items as well as fire and water or wine ! You will never stop to make things appear...

Candy Factory (George Iglesias)
Looking for a thrilling twist on a classic of magic? Candy Factory is made for you! Remarkable, it will have the power to captivate all audiences!

Candy Pop (Jhony Zam)
You will not believe it, what you see in the video is real and AMAZING! Jhony Zam and Tumi Magic did it again! After the success they have had with their Twister flavor and Delicious change products, CANDY POP arrives ... A fun product for adults and children, you can use it in the real world in a live performance with different ideas and many uses where you imagination is the limit.

Candy Prediction (Full Pack) (Adrian Carratala)
Enter the stage with a jar full of colorful candy and you're sure to win your audience's attention. The audience will be able to guess exactly how many candies are in the jar.

Candyman (Tobias Dostal)
Make candy magically appear in your spectator's hand! Candyman, a tangible, unforgettable magic experience that will amaze all the senses.

Canic (Nicholas Lawrence)
A soda can is one of the most commonly seen objects around the world. Imagine grabbing any unprepared soda can off any one and then ripping the tab off. You place the tab on your spectator's open palm, take the can, and tap it to the sitting tab in your spectator's hand. The tab instantly seals back on the can.

Cannibal (Kevin Reylek)
Bringing the classic Lin Searles plot to a new level, Cannibal is one of Kevin's most-used closing effects. It involves a theatrical premise, a surprising revelation, and a kicker ending that audiences never see coming. It also leaves spectators with a memorable souvenir!

Canvas (Lin KimTung)
Imagine if you have the magical power to transform one bill to another, THIS is what it would look like. Seriously. NOTHING comes close. Looks EXACTLY like CG, only it's not. It's the real thing.

CAP IT (George Iglesias)
This is a set of 12 auto-seal universal size caps, good for any soda, water and juice bottles.

Cap Stack (Ben Taiwan)
What if you could defy the laws of physics, the laws of nature? In an inexplicable way, you will be able to balance on the round edge, several bottle caps.

SansMinds Magic brings you an incredibly visual effects that you can do with your everyday cap! A modern tool for classic magic. Check it out for yourself!

Capture (Criss Angel)

Luke Dancy shares the secret to one of the most powerful effects you can do with ANY SMART PHONE! CAPTURE gives you the ability to take a borrowed coin and have it appear INSIDE the screen of a BORROWED cell phone! The best part…NO APP REQUIRED!

CAPTURED (Sébastien Calbry)
A card picked by an audience member, signed or not, is folded and printed on a card. It simply takes a "magic gesture" to visually extract it; a really mind-blowing effect that your audience will definitely not expect.