Kicker Changing Deck (Jordan Victoria)
The Kicker Changing Deck is the "color-changing game" routine you'll use every day!
The Kicker Changing Deck is the "color-changing game" routine you'll use every day!
Danny Orleans' new book is destined to become the modern-day guide to performing magic for children.
Killer Bees are the mutant hybrid of timid European honey bees and their African cousins. Like all superhero stories, the Killers were introduced to Brazil by mad scientists to help re-populate their diminishing Bee population. But no-one could contain them... In 1957, 26 swarms escaped quarantine and declared war on the western hemisphere. Danger lurking in the skies, these villains will stalk their victims for up to 1/2 a mile.
Kinetic Mental Dice by Marc Antoine Forget about every other dice. Kinetic Mental Die is a huge leap forward in die technology.
Kinetic Mental Die by Marc Antoine Forget about every other dice. Kinetic Mental Die is a huge leap forward in die technology.
The Kinetic Ring is a staple in magic that has now reached a next level of evolution & engineering. Constructed from an original, single neodymium rare-earth magnet, and expertly disguised as a sleek comfort-fit band. Turn a fashion statement into a devastatingly effective magic device that you have ready, anytime. No one knows you have an arsenal of magic right on your finger. Hide your secret in plain sight.
The Kinetic Ring is a staple in magic that has now reached a next level of evolution & engineering. Constructed from an original, single neodymium rare-earth magnet, and expertly disguised as a sleek comfort-fit band. Turn a fashion statement into a devastatingly effective magic device that you have ready, anytime. No one knows you have an arsenal of magic right on your finger. Hide your secret in plain sight.
The Kinetic Ring is a staple in magic that has now reached a next level of evolution & engineering. Constructed from an original, single neodymium rare-earth magnet, and expertly disguised as a sleek comfort-fit band. Turn a fashion statement into a devastatingly effective magic device that you have ready, anytime. No one knows you have an arsenal of magic right on your finger. Hide your secret in plain sight.
The Kinetic Ring is a staple in magic that has now reached a next level of evolution & engineering. Constructed from an original, single neodymium rare-earth magnet, and expertly disguised as a sleek comfort-fit band. Turn a fashion statement into a devastatingly effective magic device that you have ready, anytime. No one knows you have an arsenal of magic right on your finger. Hide your secret in plain sight.
The Kinetic Ring is a staple in magic that has now reached a next level of evolution & engineering. Constructed from an original, single neodymium rare-earth magnet, and expertly disguised as a sleek comfort-fit band. Turn a fashion statement into a devastatingly effective magic device that you have ready, anytime. No one knows you have an arsenal of magic right on your finger. Hide your secret in plain sight.
King and Legacy: Gold Edition Playing Cards - the cards are marked to give you unlimited possibilities... COMPLETELY customized (pips, court cards... the ENTIRE deck).
Here is a super fun and super easy packet trick for you. Mysteriously the black kings change places with the red kings.
LIMITED EDITION: Only 1,500. Celebrating my love of the United States and the nostalgic memories I have growing up going to 4th of July celebrations and eating way to many hot dogs.
Spectator selects a card from the deck. The magician finds the WRONG card. The spectator holds up this incorrect card, and a photo is taken using THEIR camera phone. When the photo is viewed, the card has CHANGED to the CORRECT card, held by the spectator! Incredible!
Daniel Madison and Chris Ramsay have teamed up to bring you one of the most elegant and high quality decks to ever come out of Ellusionist.
Effect: The magician shows very clearly a ribbon while the audience can see his hands empty. One spectator points to any spot of the ribbon and with a pair of scissors he cuts the ribbon. Then the magician ties the two pieces together. Suddenly the knot visibly jumps out of the ribbon. The ribbon is completely restored and given away for full examination.
KOI Playing Cards celebrates the Koi fish -- a symbol of luck, prosperity, and good fortune in Japan.
Cards magically appear or change instantly and visually! You have to see it to believe it!
Want to ask a cute girl out? Or maybe do something cute and visual for that special someone? This is the trick for you. L.O.V.E. is a quick and visual piece of magic that's straight to the point. You'll be taking away a great multiple card change utility move that lets you end completely clean.
Un des meilleurs tours de Dominique Duvivier. Un effet bluffant de cartes qui s'impriment de toutes les couleurs. Tour réalisable autant par des magiciens confirmés que par des débutants initiés ! Cette version est livrée avec un DVD d'instructions en Français très détaillé.
Voici un effet ultra visuel et facile à faire ! En effet, vous serez en mesure de transformer une carte en la lançant dans les airs ! De multiples routines à réaliser ! La seule limite est votre imagination !
Looking for the PERFECT card revelation? Look no further! Imagine this, the spectators selects a playing card at random, and with MINIMAL MOVEMENT, the label on the bottle of soda changes and reveals the selected card! The bottle of soda has been in full view this entire time! Get yours now!
Un merveilleux système qui vous permet de retrouver dans votre poche, la carte signée d’un spectateur, sa carte de visite ou encore un chiffre ou un nom qu’il a choisit, et le tout plastifié !!
LIMITED EDITION: Only 2,000 printed! Will NOT be reprinted. This reproduction deck is based off the "Vanity Fair No 41" transformation playing cards published by the United States Playing Card Company in 189
Your wallet is more than just a storage tool. Imagine with a simple tap or a flick, you can shoot out business cards, credit cards, and even a stack of bills directly from your own wallet.