Giant Appearing Straw (1,25 m)
Un grand classique, la canne à apparition, mais revue, faites apparaître une paille géante, et ça n’en fini plus, il en sort toujours de plus en plus.La paille déroulée mesure 1,25 mètres.

Un grand classique, la canne à apparition, mais revue, faites apparaître une paille géante, et ça n’en fini plus, il en sort toujours de plus en plus.La paille déroulée mesure 1,25 mètres.
Un grand classique, la canne à apparition, mais revue, faites apparaître une paille géante, et ça n’en fini plus, il en sort toujours de plus en plus.La paille déroulée mesure 2,40 mètres.
With the help of an empty tube, the magician will be able to change the colors of different feathers, but also to transform them into other unlikely objects, such as a bouquet of flowers, or a colorful flag.
Great for starting the show and breaking the ice at a birthday party!
Show an empty glassy box to the audience. Suddenly and visually, colorful and shiny paper-flowers appear, filling the box! Remove them so that the box is once again empty. Voila! Now it's filled with money - loads of bills! Remove some to show they are real objects!
The magician shows an absolutely empty glassy briefcase to the audience. In his hand, there are 4 different kinds of money.
Make appear some flowers and then bills from a transparent briefcase ! To let you know the exact size of briefcase is: 38 *13 * 30 cm
This is a set of eight special Gold Thimbles. With them you can perform vanishes, penetrations and, of course, productions. You can perform special routines and moves and also the classic routines describe in the greats books.
A wonderfull appearing CD player ! Of course the magician can show all sides of CD player to the audiences. This item is includes a table, a frame, a painting frame and a big CD player. All of this in a solid suitcase.
The magician shows a Frisbee on both sides and places it inside an empty fancy pouch. When the Frisbee is taken out it is found to have transformed into a pizza. The just produced pizza is placed inside the pouch again. When the pizza is taken out this time, it has now transformed into a beautiful cake with "Happy Birthday" written on the cake with the name of the birthday child on one side and "Best Wishes" from the magician with his name and contact number written on the other side.
Est ce un déboucheur de toilettes, un vase, un chapeau de safari ou un drôle de chapeau ??? Cet accessoire insolite pourra vous servir dans de nombreuses comédies pour enfants...
Votre tête pèse si lourd qu’elle tombe jusqu’au niveau de votre bassin, vous la retenez avec vos deux mains comme si c’était un ballon, avant de la remettre en place… C’est effet surprise est effroyable ! Cyril Takayama a fait fureur avec ce tour !
The magician show a large silk and slowly pushes it into his left closed fist. A blow and the silk completely disappears! Very easy to do. The foulard is not included.
You pour salt from a salt shaker into a handkerchief, give the handkerchief a shake and the salt has vanished. You now show your hands empty, but you begin to reach into the air and suddenly the salt pours from your fist into a spectator's hand. You show your hand empty again and ask the spectator to place the salt he has in his hand into your right fist, quickly show your right hand empty and simultaneously you begin to pour salt out your left fist, an UNENDING SUPPLY OF SALT!Great combination with Vernet's Ethereal Salt.
Here's a fun way to get the audience involved in your show. With this costume, a spectator will be able to perform tricks like a real magician.
Here's a fun way to get the audience involved in your show. With this costume, a spectator will be able to perform tricks like a real magician.
A masterpiece of stand-up magic from Michel (Vernet Magic. You receive everything to perform it immediately
The magician asks the spectator to sign a photo showing a Champagne bottle and an empty glass. The card selected by the spectator or a previously vanished silk appears on the signed photo in the glass. The signed photo can be examined at the end. It even can be given to the spectator as a souvenir.
Faites interagir par la pensée deux ficelles à pompons qui traversent chacune deux baguettes complètement indépendantes. Une fabuleuse routine avec des baguettes de 42 cm de long pour la scène !
Experience JUMBOX®: giant marked cards with discreet markings on all 4 corners, readable from nearly a meter away. Perfect for any performance!
The tie can be pierced through your neck and be crossed as a black bow. Then, you can make this black bow attach to the white tie. The black bow will totally become a part of the white tie. Finally, the black part not only becomes a scarf but also changes back to a bow.
Here's the slap hat worthy of the greatest magicians, ideal for productions. Junior size: 54 cm head circumference and 16 cm height.
This is a classic horror gag. It looks like a knife has been stabbed right through your skull.
Lorsqu'un magicien décide de peindre, il attrape sa palette vierge et hop ! D’un coup de baguette magique, des couleurs apparaissent dessus.