Houdini's Diary (Wayne Dobson)
Wayne's vision of the classic Diary Card effect. As always, he designed it to be SUPER-SIMPLE to execute. You propose to show what Houdini claimed as his favourite card trick!
Wayne's vision of the classic Diary Card effect. As always, he designed it to be SUPER-SIMPLE to execute. You propose to show what Houdini claimed as his favourite card trick!
An effect created in the 80's inspired by an effect I read in a book by Nick Trost. By changing a few things and adding a few more, I made the sequence of small effects "in-crescendo" to the final climax of the revelation in the mirror.
Based on the Red Rising Books by Pierce Brown, come to discover this wonderful deck fully customized!
New! Bags for tableframes!!! High quality nylon bags for the Spider tableframes.It comes with zipper and shoulder strap. Very durable and available in four different sizes.
New! Bags for tableframes!!! High quality nylon bags for the Spider tableframes.It comes with zipper and shoulder strap. Very durable and available in four different sizes.
New! Bags for tableframes!!! High quality nylon bags for the Spider tableframes.It comes with zipper and shoulder strap. Very durable and available in four different sizes.
New! Bags for tableframes!!! High quality nylon bags for the Spider tableframes.It comes with zipper and shoulder strap. Very durable and available in four different sizes.
New! Bags for Spider tabletops !!! Padded zipper bags for the top of your Spidertable. For easy transport and protection against scratches in the acrylic surface.
New! Bags for Spider tabletops !!! Padded zipper bags for the top of your Spidertable. For easy transport and protection against scratches in the acrylic surface.
New! Bags for Spider tabletops !!! Padded zipper bags for the top of your Spidertable. For easy transport and protection against scratches in the acrylic surface.
Give Howzzat a deck of card, he will find the chosen card and he will reveal it in his balloon.
Take the fear out of playing outside with cards and play with peace of mind with the Hoyle Clear Waterproof Set, which is durable, waterproof and makes any game more fun thanks to its clarity.
Le jeu de cartes « Hoyle » est très agréable à manipuler. De bonne qualité, ce jeu format poker est disponible en rouge et en bleu.
Forged on the bank of the Hudson River in New York, Hudson Playing Cards was inspired by a historic factory dating back to 1856. It was the pinnacle of playing card quality. The design is breathtaking, intricate, detailed, and timeless
Il s'agit de la version intégrale 2.0 de la routine "l'huile et l'eau", déjà un best-seller en France pour la version 1.0. Quatre cartes jaunes recto-verso et quatre cartes bleues recto-verso sont mélangées puis se séparent d'elles même... Puis soudain se mélangent à nouveau ! Pour finir, le paquet de 8 cartes est secoué, et toutes les cartes deviennent... Vertes !
Maîtrisez la télékinésie avec cet accessoire incroyable ! Vous allez faire voler des objets dans la pièce où vous vous trouvez devant les yeux des spectateurs !Il s’agit bien plus qu’une simple lévitation ! Les pouvoirs surnaturels que vous allez posséder grâce à ce mécanisme dépasseront toute espérance !
Surprenez et faites rire vos amis en leur faisant l’un de vos plus beau sourire avec ce dentier d'idiot du village qui vous donnera un air ahuri.
Défiez les lois de l’apesanteur avec ce verre transparent. Rempli d’eau, placez une feuille sur le dessus puis retournez-le, l’eau ne tombera pas du verre ! De plus, ce verre peut être donné à l'examen ! Idéal en toutes situations (rue, close-up, salon, scène)...
Spreads, fans, displays, you name it, the Hyper Neons will boost up your flow as if travelling at hyper speed! The playing cards will be perfect to make your cardistry moves pop out!
Be overwhelmed by that moment where somethingbaffling suddenly becomes clear followed by the warm, fuzzy, positive feeling that coursesthrough your whole body. HypieLab wants to bring fun as well as inspiration to our serious dabble in playing cards. Eureka!is the perfect start.
Mesmerize your audience with HYPNOTIC PLAYING CARDS. Printed on casino grade Bee stock
Spielkartenshop always wanted to create a deck with an optical illusion theme. The HYPNOTIK Playing Cards brings you a simple, but eye-catching illusion, mixed with artistic and pure design by Sam Hayles.
A handkerchief is shown on both sides. You place it on a table and suddenly it begins to move!! The silks moves when you ask it and stops when ordered!
A handkerchief is shown on both sides. You place it on a table and suddenly it begins to move!! The silks moves when you ask it and stops when ordered!