Fox's Handcuffs (Wayne Fox)
Fox's Handcuffs, a rubber band effect that will be a visual feast crowd gatherer!
Fox's Handcuffs, a rubber band effect that will be a visual feast crowd gatherer!
Avec Bruno, les objets prennent vie et s’animent à distance provoquant une émotion sensationnelle chez le spectateur. Voulez-vous à votre tour faire rêver votre entourage avec des effets surréalistes remplies de mystère, de magie, et de poésie ? Voici le second volume de friend (DVD en français + matériel de qualité).
Merpin is one of the leading magicians of South America, a top TV, theater and comedy club professional with a unique style. Here he explains 5 routines from his professional repertoire
The magician shows a case containing loose pieces from a jigsaw puzzle, and places the case on the table. A spectator is asked to freely name any picture card in a deck of playing cards. When the puzzle pieces are removed from the case, and assembled on the table, the selected picture card is displayed on the pieces of the puzzle!
A flat circular plastic box has one die inside. The magician shows this, then puts the lid on the box. He tells the number which will be on the top surface of the die, then he shakes the box, opens it and shows he is correct.
This is a great effect and can be performed on stage, parlor and closeup. Remember everything happens in the spectators hands. The deck can be examined and the effect can be immediately repeated with a different outcome!
Faites apparaître l'image de la carte choisie sur ce verre magique! Ne vous étonnez plus si vos spectateurs se frottent les yeux à la fin de vos tours! Ils ne croiront pas ce qu'ils viennent de voir!
The mentalist shows a transparent glass of rectangular shape and makes choose two cards to two spectators. Then takes back the glass, he breaths on it and magically on it will appear the cards chosen. A moment later the glass returns completely transparent.
Instantly load a ring, inside a walnut, a kinder egg, an orange or inside a bag!
This is a set of eight special Gold Thimbles. With them you can perform vanishes, penetrations and, of course, productions. You can perform special routines and moves and also the classic routines describe in the greats books.
Three large wooden beads are threaded on two strings, a knot is tied over the beads, yet they magically drop off the strings.
Turn an ordinary mini-Bic into a spectacular visual magic tool with 6 professional and captivating effects!
Add elegance to your performances with this set of 4 handmade leather balls, perfect for the classic "Cups and Balls" trick. Free pouch included!
Superbe plateau de guéridon en bois et velours avec tiroir coulissant contenant une baguette magique, deux rangements pour vos jeux de cartes ainsi que deux chargeurs de pièces.
A plastic paddle has a top hat in black on both sides. Then suddenly a rabbit appears in one hat, then in the other.
A multicolored handkerchief vanishing ring to better amaze your audience.
A white linen handkerchief vanishing ring to better amaze your audience.
#CASH is an incredibly visual close-up effect. Turn your cell phone into a pile of money or other things, such as bus tickets!
An ancient key, a timeless mystery: let magic unfold in your hands with the Haunted Key Deluxe.
This is a Heart Stamper Part for Double Cross. It allows you to secretly stamp a heart on the spectator's hand.
From the mind of Sean Fields, Hidden Hand is a brand new utility device that allows for stunning vanishes and productions. With NO sleights necessary, you will be able to manipulate items within minutes of learning this secret.
The magician borrows some rings from the audience and chains 3 of them together, showing them to the audience; incredibly the rings are loosened and given back to their owners safe and sound. Nobody will be able to find out the secret.
The legendary Holely is back AND BEYOND. This set cotains BOTH Original Holely AND Beyond Holely disk sets with according props. Move a hole on a working credit card or any borrowed and unprepared bills, newspaper, or even onto a water bottle!